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Saturday, July 14, 2012

German Mayor Thinks Women Need Designated “Easy” Parking Spots

In what sounds like a scenario that must surely be a joke but then isn't so you have to try really hard to see how this could be a real thing, the mayor of a town in Germany has designated certain parking spots for women that are easier to park in. We all know the presumption that is in use here, but the mayor swears he's not being sexist. He's just being considerate!

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  1. Guess who will be fixing his own dinner tonight. LOL.

  2. I must be German, cause I have to admit I'm terrible at parking. Backing into a spot, parallel parking... no way! I search for the spots where I can drive thru to make it look like I backed in.

  3. 10:12 PM

    How did you pass the driving exam?

    1. I got my liscense in CA, back in the day.... Don't know their requirements today, but back then was pretty lenient. And I am a better driver than my husband who is always looking around at the scenery. And when it comes to a real highway, I'm sure I've got you beat there too! just can't park

  4. And when it comes to a real highway, I'm sure I've got you beat there too! just can't park

    July 15, 2012 11:47 PM

    I very much doubt that. I've got a couple million miles under my belt.


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