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Monday, July 09, 2012

A Personal Invitation To Greg Basset

Dear Mr. Bassett,

I read your editorial this morning on Downtown Salisbury. I also notice one headline mentioning someone CONSIDERING a run for City Council in Ocean City.

First of all, I think it's pretty clear by now that I too intend to run for Mayor in Salisbury, yet you have ignored my intent completely.

That being said, I'd like to personally invite you to come visit me at 300 W. Main Street to discuss my own vision of Downtown Salisbury.

Just because we have our differences doesn't mean these ideas won't make the Downtown area a better place to live and enjoy.

Not long ago you promised your readers that you would be more fair and balanced. In fact, you insisted this would be the case from here on out. Mr. Bassett, are you a liar? Are you a man who will say anything just to save your hide?

I'll add Mr. Bassett, allow me to educate you just a little bit more. While I do have a proposal for revitalizing Downtown Salisbury, it is simply that, a proposal. Mayor Ireton presented HIS proposal to the Council and they turned it down. There's nothing saying the City Council won't turn mine down as well. The Mayor's job is to bring such IDEAS to the Council for their consideration.

Should I be so honored to become the next Mayor of Salisbury I would respect the Council's position on such matters. I will NOT reach out to the public and encourage such hate or belittle the very people the MAJORITY of citizens elected.

Mayor Ireton's petition drive will fail for numerous reasons. Most citizens who voted for him voted for a very different kind of man. What they have received is NOT what they expected, so his small amount of followers will not be enough support to change the minds of the Council majority.

Your attempt to sway the public through your newspaper WITHOUT being fair and balanced is why YOU are sinking in sales. Many want to point the finger at Joe Albero or Salisbury News for your major drop in circulation but in reality all we have done is open the minds of those people willing to at least view each topic the way the citizens actually see it.

IF the Daily Times wants to make the attempt to actually prove you are fair and balanced you'll take the time to express OTHER points of view. What your newspaper has done to me recently with employees allegedly breaking every rule in your so called ethics book not only makes me sick to my stomach, it put YOU in the position in which YOU should be held accountable. When YOU came out with a list of things you'd be following to prove to your readers you would in fact prove to be better and now you refuse to be balanced, your paper deserves to get shut down.

You may not like me personally as a competitor but as a possible candidate for Mayor with a very strong chance of actually winning, YOU should take more time to put those differences aside to PROVE the Daily Times actually gives a darn about Salisbury.

Then again, we have seen the kind of hissy fits the former and current Mayor are capable of and quite frankly your scared. Don't worry Mr. Bassett, I'm not a violent man. Either show you are a man of your word or shut down that newspaper. You know how to reach me if you'd like to discuss my visions.


  1. Joe,

    If you become mayor, you should make a news tax so that the media whom doesn't share actual events and present them in the right way they happened, unlike the false crap on tv now and days should be fined oops I mean taxed...

    Since they care not for the people, then let the people tax the crap out of them so they can't even move out of Salisbury or Maryland... Hey, maybe then we can get ride of other taxes or fees because the DT won't make good on promises so we will get a ton of money for the city...

    You know the good ole Shape up or Ship out...

  2. Joe You dont need the daily times. You have sby news. Let them sit over there (where ever that maybe) and print lies. They will do themselves in...give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
    Do what you need to do to hello with them. Your are above it.
    The best never goes out of style.

  3. See, now here's what I don't understand. If you get SO much more traffic than ANY OTHER local "MSM" source, why are you begging for coverage from the local MSM? Every day you're on here lamenting the fact that you can't get anybody in the MSM to cover your non-story. Why so butthurt?

  4. Don't waste your time on Bassett. He has proven to be a snake.

  5. joe,i dont think ill ever live long enough to actually see them print an article where they actually talk with/enterview you, about your ideas or as a canidate for mayor!go for gold, you got my vote.

  6. See, now here's what I don't understand. If you get SO much more traffic than ANY OTHER local "MSM" source, why are you begging for coverage from the local MSM? Every day you're on here lamenting the fact that you can't get anybody in the MSM to cover your non-story. Why so butthurt?

    July 9, 2012 5:34 PM

    First of all it's called fair play.

    Secondly, it's their JOB.

    Third it's called being through.

    And lastly, what the hell does butthurt mean?


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