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Monday, July 09, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Justice Unseals Indictment Charging 5 With Border Agent Brian Terry's Death

Department of Justice releases indictment charging 5 with Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's death and offers up to $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest of four outstanding suspects.

From Fox News


  1. Where are the charges against Holder? Or, is he allowed to outright lie to Congress and then "revise" previous statements. Boy, if only the mobsters and ballplayers got such leeway lol. Nah, just the head of our Justice dept who's got hundreds of murders linked to his birdbrained gunrunning program.

  2. Is Holder one of the names? Yea right!

  3. This is an absolute joke. 5 ppl? So only 5 people were aware of the program Fast & Furious I guess.

  4. 2:13 you add Obamas name to list

  5. How many at the department have lost their jobs? NONE. WHY Mr Holder?

  6. This is just another way to get you off track to the Holder situation.

  7. I'm still waiting for justice for the Black Panthers that were patrolling polling stations with batons during the last election.

    A little DOJ voter intimidation pass
    for being a brova.

  8. I could have swore you guys subscribed to the "guns don't kill people" mantra. So how is it Holder or DOJ's fault that these 5 decided to murder somone? Oh I know. Principles no longer matter once politics come into play.

  9. Anon 5:17 pm

    The Bush administration declined to pursue to case. Oh that's right some beleive it's Obama's responsibility. A little education goes a long way.

  10. Anon 2:10pm

    Explain to me how Holder lied to Congress. Even the people holding the witch hunt say it's not so.


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