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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Oh Boy, More On ECI

Below is a link to the Office of Legislative Audits’ report dated July 13, 2012 covering the audit of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services – Eastern Shore Region. This report is available to the public on July 19, 2012.


They are not competitively bidding purchases, in violation of state procurement laws. They are not reconciling inmate accounts. (There is $74,000 in inmate money missing and ECI didn’t investigate this.) Their inventory of commissary materials came up almost a quarter of a million dollars short.

The problem with the inmate funds was a repeat of the same problem identified last time ECI was audited.


  1. As I like to say, the guards are just as bad as the inmates.

  2. and I bet they all claim they are innocent too

  3. Could be. Maybe some are, on both sides.

    Lots of prisoners all across this country have been found innocent after convictions and serving time.


  4. Is it true that they have sweat lodges set up in the yard where the inmates go to use drugs?

  5. Your comments are way off.When it was first reported the WARDEN did nothing. Now another audit is completed and is no better. Is the WARTEN gonna do something this time around?? I doubt it.Its not her monies.

  6. Yeah, because "Guards" have access to these things... You people are not only ill-informed but happily ignorant too...

  7. Yeah, because "Guards" have access to these things... You people are not only ill-informed but happily ignorant too...

    July 19, 2012 5:06 PM

    Yes indeed and we are sitting next to you holding hands.

  8. So the head of the department is not doing her job? Nor is the warden? Why are they still there? We the People want to know!

  9. 7:17 AM

    No, it must be the inmates.
    The guards or admin have nothing to do with it. They are all innocent.

  10. K green stole that money No doubt

  11. convieniently Greenand Hanke Removed in July 2016

    to Cover up all they did knowing the FBI was there

    checking things out and the frying pan was getting too

    hot to stay

  12. Hanke must have done some Hanke Panke with Green

    he was her Fav Demon before they both left

  13. Close the terrible place let Baltimore have it back

    we on DelmarVa don't need it Or want it here and Never
    have the Gov in Md forced it here

    Enough people here have the state's Number by now

    We rather stay in the chicken and farming business than
    have stinking corrupt prisons for a job

  14. Send all ECI inmates to Siberia in Russia

  15. Doug (Racist ) Matthews The Latest News

    Hit and Run on Him and Pocomoke Police Chief in on it too

    ECI Reject had better be FIRED too Finally !!!!

  16. Better put this PUNK on PC because inmates would wuup
    his ass in General Pop !!

    Officers may wuuup his behind as well put him in the Hole

  17. He was Perfect example of a black racist
    There were many there in uniform who used their job position to Harass the good white officers

    You see Not just whites can be a racist / there are plenty
    of blacks that are ten times worse That's a Fact

    Lt Ward / Kimble / Lou Williams /Capt King /Logan / and
    others there at ECI were Terrible A Place in Hell awaits them all some day > they can't escape that !!!!!!

  18. OH Boy Eastern Corruptional in news again

    All retirees enjoying all the reading and Glad we are
    Not there anymore Have Fun You all still there and
    Good Riddons !!!!

    Looks like Hotel Hell has only gotten worse
    Glad to hear at least some of Scum are getting theirs Finally !!! The Old School good officers all Know
    all that went on there. At least 60+ officers Died there

    See Ya would not want to be ya asta lavista baby !!!

  19. We Retirees BEAT ECI we did not let it beat us

    We did not tolerate the scum there and fought them tooth
    and nail until the day we left.... they can Burn in Hell

    We Beat them and we are Enjoying our hard earned Benefits
    of Retirement they tried to Steal from us when we were there Hope we all Live to be 100 to make this Corrupt
    State of MD PAY for all the crap we had to put up with

    Our Pensions should have been 10 times more than it is for
    all we went through should be way more than State Police all they do is write tickets all day they did
    not go through nothing like we State Prison Officers did

    We got screwed on our Pensions way toooo low

  20. State Troopers get 3 times more Pension than Prison Officers

    Not Right at all ...... should be the Other way around

  21. Retirees Got the Last Laugh and we got to hear the Fat Lady Sing .......Oh Boy that check comes every month and
    right on time .......We don't need Obama Care either !!!!

  22. ECI SHANK Redemption

    Make a Movie of this Hellhole it would sell Big

    the best part would be When the FBI knocks on the Warden's
    office door to make the big arrest.......

  23. That inmate money went to Warden Green Protection $$$$

    she always protected them from the good officers who wrote them up when they misbehaved

    The Best good officers had to enforce the rules while her
    corrupt administration tried to undermine their authority

    Her brass tried to fight officers tickets to reduce or throw
    them out all the time

    Even the state hearing officers were no good who decide
    inmate tickets Green influenced them to throw out or reduce tickets the Only Good One Shawn Jackson who
    her administration could Not buy The Good officers know who he was and So do the inmates Believe that .....

    Good officers try to keep bad inmates IN through tickets
    Bad Green Brass and Case workers tried to Get Them Out of Prison as soon as they can find a way (and not Correct them) sending them to the street before the better behaved inmates got to go.... Fact

  24. TRue the Dirty Green mngmnt (with the rank) always
    was against the good officers and on the bad inmate's side.

    That's why the Inmates run the prisons , not the officers

    By making dirty deals with the higher ups to make the good
    officers back off and not inforce the rules.

    That's how mngmnt keeps the peace in prisons , to keep
    the inmates happy There is No Corrections being done

    If you inforced the rules they got rid of you or moved you This is why State Police should Run the Prisons

  25. There is No Corrections in so called corrections

    Prisons are just a Warehouse and a Retirement Home for
    those who plan to live this way all their life and stay in
    over and over again ...Fact
    Better than Retirement Homes on the outside which cost you
    alot of money ... this Retirement Home is FREE on the
    Gov'ts Tab Your Tax Tab

    People will only be worse than went they went in when they
    get out (for awhile) after while this is all they know how to do and Cannot make it on the outside...Fact

    When they are Used to being in there is No Fear of it and
    TIME is the Only Punishment they get (not much) for all
    they did in crime .....From a 24 year officer who knows ... who did Time in there with them... I know !!!

  26. Yea MD Make sure our Retiree paychecks are on time
    we don't have to put up with you anymore ....just keep the
    money and benefits coming... and don't forget our raises...

  27. Kathleen Green (Devil Warden) was ECI's Hillary !!!


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