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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Boy Scouts

I'm proud to be an Eagle Scout, and I'm proud to be the son of two lesbian moms. But I'm deeply disturbed that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is allowing a "secret committee" to justify keeping its ban against openly gay Scouts and leaders.

As the co-founder of Scouts for Equality, I've heard awful stories of discrimination: Decorated Eagle Scouts kicked out for finally opening up about who they are. Devoted moms told they can't lead their sons' Cub Scout troops -- I don't know what I would do if someone told my moms they couldn't be involved in my life because they're gay.

That's why I was so excited to learn last month that the Boy Scouts would consider, for the first time, a resolution that would allow openly gay Scouts and leaders. The BSA's national board was going to get the chance to vote on the resolution in 2013 -- astounding progress.

But Tuesday, the BSA announced that a "secret committee" of 11 people had already decided to uphold the ban on gay Scouts and leaders. Without a vote of the board. Without a public report. Without an open debate.

The very first value of the Scout Law is that a Scout is trustworthy -- but this "secret committee" hardly seems trustworthy to me. This is a spurious way to make a decision that affects millions of American families, including mine.

The BSA's leaders have already shown themselves to be susceptible to public pressure. In the past few weeks, two BSA national board members publicly declared their support for the resolution after being petitioned to do so on Change.org -- including the CEO of AT&T. I hope that if enough people sign my petition, we can convince them to make their decision the right way: a fair, open vote.


  1. If you don't like it. Don't be a Boy Scout or support their cause. But quit trying to shove that immoral crap down everyone elses throat.

  2. I personally don't care who justified the ban but I certainly don't believe that gay scout leaders should be involved with a group of young boys. The Coach Sandusky incident is enough to explain why.

  3. I'm from a family of Scouts. One of the things I'm really glad I was a part of. I hope someday to have a son, and I hope he chooses to become a Scout as well. But if gays are allowed in, I'm not allowing him to. I've nothing against being gay, I support gay marriage. But I will never support gays in Scouts.

  4. If the writer of this letter doesn't like the way the BSA is run he doesn't have to be a member, he can simply quit to show his dissatisfation.
    What really irks the crap out of me is when someone knows how a private institution is run and doesn't like it they try to impose their will. If you don't like the BSA either don't join it or abide by their rules.

  5. My boys are in scouts as well. I find it disgusting how they can promote being kind and fair to others despite, color, creed etc, BUT then do this.

    I am glad that our den doesn't shove this type of discrimination crap down my kids throats, or they would be out along with my money, time and efforts.

    Oh and.. Sandusky is a MARRIED pedophile. To suggest that gay men and women are like Sandusky is ridiculous and shows your true ignorance.

  6. If gays are allowed into the Boy Scouts then we should allow girls to join also. Lets just allow all the kids, boy and girl alike to camp together in cozy little tents. I can't see how this could cause any problems! Wake up people!

    Rome is burning..........

  7. 118-So what that Sandusky is married, that doesn't prove anything.

  8. The writer is, sadly, very naive.

    #1. The decision makers were not bowing to public pressure, they were bowing to moral pressure.

    #2. He seems to feel the way to show kindness, fairness, and equality is to allow a bunch of repulsive, degenerate individuals violate everything Boy Scouting stands for.

    #3. He is selfish enough to believe things need to be changed to his way, and he'll prove it by getting enough people to sign "his" petition to make them do it "his" way (reeks of a Mayor somewhere on the Eastern Shore).

    Sounds like unsupportable arguments typically advanced by the not so gay (as in happy type gay) gay community usually spews.

    When he fails, I for one hope he either grows up or finds a less upright group to infiltrate. In the mean time he should show enough maturity to disassociate himself with values and morals with which he lacks agreement - just like BSA is doing.

  9. 144

    Using a single example to prove a point and demand law. That sounds oddly familiar.


  10. Is this what happens when a gay couple raises children? Having gays mentoring children is just as bad whether they are married or not.

  11. I support locating all the Gays into one State Barney Frank can be their leader.

  12. how does Joe feel about this. He is going to be our mayor. I salute the scouts.

  13. It's better for the boys to keep gay's away from them and it's good for Gay's to keep boys away from them...Problem solved.

  14. . I've nothing against being gay

    But I will never support gays in Scouts.

    July 19, 2012 12:48 PM

    Um, yes you do. lol. And it's ok.

  15. I am glad that our den doesn't shove this type of discrimination crap down my kids throats, or they would be out along with my money, time and efforts.

    Oh and.. Sandusky is a MARRIED pedophile. To suggest that gay men and women are like Sandusky is ridiculous and shows your true ignorance.

    July 19, 2012 1:18 PM

    I'm sure your time and money is important...to you.

    Call Sandusky what you will, and you are accurate, but having sex with same sex is GAY no matter how you slice it.

    Both of which are mental disorders.


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