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Sunday, July 29, 2012

NYPD Detective Suspended After Kidnapping Victim Found In His Garage

A 17-year veteran of the New York Police Department has been suspended without pay after a kidnapping victim was found tied up in his garage.

The New York Post reports Ondre Johnson, a detective with the Brooklyn north gang unit, was being questioned in connection with the incident and was forced to surrender his gun and badge.

A source tells the Post the 25-year-old victim was snatched off the street on July 26. The victim's friends then got calls demanding $75,000 for the victim's release.



  1. Suspended? Not in JAIL? Kidnapping is a Federal Offense and a heavy one at that! I know if she was found in MY garage where I would be sitting right now! WTF?

  2. How about it 8:25!

    Yet another betrayal of public trust from the Prima donna Law enforcement crowd.
    I'd bet the FOP is right there formulating a defense with full officer support.

  3. He was not charged with any crime.

  4. The ONLY difference between them and the Crips is the Crips have better guns. Rape, murder, extortion, blackmailing, drug dealing, drug smuggling, assualt, and kidnapping. All very well documented in court cases and video and done by those wearing the badge and demanding respect. Instead of holding themselves to a higher standard, they hold themselves ABOVE the laws that send US to prison. And its always "a bad apple"....where ARE the cops who will answer the question --- what did you do when you saw a fellow cop shoot, beat, rape, assault or otherwise commit a serious CRIME? Not ONE cop has come forward. And its NOT because they never saw it, because they can see you and I not wearing our seat belt from 100 yards away, going in the opposite direction at 75 MPH. But they MISS the cop beating a woman in hancuffs.....or do they?

  5. A very good reason why gun ownership should not be touched in this country.
    Cops are civilians. Any kind of weapon a cops has should be available to the general public.


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