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Sunday, July 29, 2012

100 Days To Go: Tight race, Defining Moments Left

Stubbornly close and deeply divisive, the presidential race throttles into its last 100 days as an enormous clash over economic vision, with the outcome likely to come down to fall debates, final unemployment numbers and fierce efforts to mobilize voters. It may seem like an election for the whole nation, but only about eight states will decide who wins the White House.

Polling shows the contest between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney remains remarkably static across the country and in those pivotal states even as both men and their allies pour money into largely negative television advertising to sway opinions.



  1. I have a theory on why the race is so close and it's a combination of two things.

    1. About a third of the population is taking handouts of one sort or another. Some could give those grants, etc. back but others will not or cannot (I do realize some folks are truly in need).

    2. Sadly I think there are more americans not willing to educate themselves on the candidates or even bother to vote in the elections. I base that assessment on personal experience. The 'who cares' attitude is prevalent, especially among the young.

    It's why we could lose our country and I don't say that lightly.

    Our Founders of this Republic would be horrified if they knew what our government was up to these days. And it's not just NObama although he is a huge commie.

  2. I don't know where WTOP's been but latest polling has Romney/obama tie (Gallup) and Rassmussen has Romney 4 points ahead.

  3. Anonymous 4:31 PM,
    I feel that you are correct in your assessment. I have heard numerous folks say that they do not vote simply because you'll get the same ol' person in office regardless if there is a 'R' or 'D' behind their name and to some extent I agree with that too. But with the advent of the Tea Party I feel that many people are beginning to wake up and realize that there has to be something done about our current lot in DC. Hopefully this year we'll have enough people start to "care" again and come out and vote for the person who can make the biggest difference in bringing America back around to prosperity.

    Just my 2 cents.

  4. Maybe the Electoral College will be on the same page as the popular vote this time.I always vote,but I don't want America's vote overturned by agroup whose intention is to idiot proof the election.Just look what they gave us 12 years ago;9-11,which led to Iraq and Afghanistan,all of which destroyed our airline industry and the economy in general.We the people actually had the election idiot proofed via popular vote when one thinks about it.Now maybe the geniuses will let our will stand.Long live Romney!


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