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Monday, July 30, 2012

Neil Prescott: Threatening 'Joker' or 'Gentle Giant'?

A Maryland man accused of threatening to shoot up his workplace and who police say called himself "a joker" is a "gentle giant" who collected firearms for target practice and had expressed concerns about someone breaking into his apartment, a friend said Saturday.

Mike Cochran told The Associated Press in an email that Neil E. Prescott, accused of threatening a mass workplace shooting earlier in the week, had an active sense of humor.

Cochran said his friend was "no stranger to sarcasm regardless of political correctness" and was fond of T-shirts with sarcastic or inflammatory comments. When first approached by officers, police say Prescott was wearing a shirt that said, "Guns don't kill people. I do."



  1. The Gestapo is alive and well and coming to a town near you! Be prepared!

  2. hey 6:50
    you are right ! !

    Hitler is in the white house.

  3. Yes, the guy looks to be a typical dumbo type bumpkin. BUT, This is nothing but another False Flag (fake, setup, frame job) unconstitutionally preemptive
    criminal action by police.
    The story narrative of the gullible press is pure police propaganda intended to justify and glorify their actions for political and financial gain.
    Not to mention the pitiful attempt at credibility and respect for nothing. Especially while citing the recent shooting in Co.
    If the guy was armed up with the intentions they accuse him of, there would probably be a few injured or dead cops when they went to arrest him or the deed at work would have been done. He certainly had the restraint not too.
    The intentions of the mainstream press are obvious. They, as well as Government policing can not be trusted or believed.

  4. Fluff move to push the anti gun agenda. No gun crime here.

  5. The guy had multiple assault rifles and threatened to spray his ex bosses brains on the sidewalk. This isn't some liberal news story intended to change policy. This is a real life example of a nutcase with too easy access to these types of weapons.

  6. Would those defending this situation have the same opinion if this guy was their neighbor threatening to kill people with his arsenal? I don't think so

  7. 1:28 AM

    Who knows? But he wasn't threatening his neighbors now was he

  8. 7:51,
    Uh, yeah he was. He was threatening to kill his co-workers, many of whom lived in teh same community. You really want to argue that it only matters if the people you threaten live next door? You pro-NRA people do yourselves a disservice when you defend idiots like this guy or try to argue that this was some sort of government conspiracy. It was a nut who bought a lot of weapons and then chose to repeatedly threaten the people he used to work with. This is not someone who should be defended as a victim.

  9. His boss deserved to have his head shoot off, the guy was a real ass. Managers need to start treating their employees with some respect, or they too could end up as a target.

  10. Uh, yeah he was. He was threatening to kill his co-workers, many of whom lived in teh same community. You really want to argue that it only matters if the people you threaten live next door? You pro-NRA people do yourselves a disservice when you defend idiots like this guy or try to argue that this was some sort of government conspiracy. It was a nut who bought a lot of weapons and then chose to repeatedly threaten the people he used to work with. This is not someone who should be defended as a victim.

    July 31, 2012 8:28 AM

    You're stretching it just a bit. lol.

    And what makes you think I am pro-NRA from that post?

    And YOU are the one who brought up the whole neighbor thing. Don't try to shove it off on me pal.

    It sounds like you have issues. Keep them to yourself too.


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