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Monday, July 30, 2012

Mayors Thrashed For Talk of Chick-fil-A Ban

When Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy said he supports biblical marriage between a man and a woman – rather than homosexual marriage – several U.S. mayors threatened to ban the fast-food chain from coming to their cities.

But would such a move be legal?

Liberty Counsel President Mathew Staver told WND’s Greg Corombos that city bans on Chick-fil-A would be unconstitutional.



  1. Kinda like banning gay bars,
    which SHOULD be banned as they are a major public health threat.

    Remember what LGBT demographic is responsible for the AIDS virus?

  2. Constitutional laws are ok unless some liberal Demcocrats think different.

  3. Is Jim Liarton one of the Mares that want to ban Chick-fil-A?

  4. I don't get why two people can't marry. If you don't want to marry same sex than don't. Obviously gay people want to be married. Get over it. I bet the success rate will be higher among gays than straights (staying married) Shouldn't this guy be speaking out about the rising divorce rate among Christians? That probably hits too close to home since the bible also is against divorce.

  5. since the bible also is against divorce.

    July 30, 2012 7:14 PM

    Whatever gave you thought that the bible is against divorce?

  6. Anonymous said...
    I don't get why two people can't marry. If you don't want to marry same sex than don't. Obviously gay people want to be married. Get over it. I bet the success rate will be higher among gays than straights (staying married) Shouldn't this guy be speaking out about the rising divorce rate among Christians? That probably hits too close to home since the bible also is against divorce.

    July 30, 2012 7:14 PM

    Because it is not normal and it is insane. I can tell you are not successfull at gambling because your bet is way off.

  7. I doubt they can be stopped from opening more stores unless they say they will not serve or hire gays. They haven't said that, and I don't recall hearing of any actual discrmination complaints against them.

  8. A privately owned business should have the right to refuse service to anyone they deem unsuitable to do business with. Period.

  9. To Anonymous 8:17: A restaurant is a place of public accommodation regardless of who owns it. Yours is the rationale that justified "separate but equal," "No Irish need apply" and "No Jews."

  10. Conservatives should ban Hollywood for their kook stances.

  11. 7:14 two of the same sex can NOT reproduce..so how can it be normal?..ur type have got bad issues!

  12. This was a stroke of genius on the part of Chik-Fil-A's CEO. He has caused people who don't think about the place from one end of the year to the other (me, for example) to think about it. He'll get new business from people who agree with him, no business from those who don't, and he may well end up with a "gay-free" establishment without incurring any legal jeopardy. Well played, very subtle. I'll bet that if a gay couple -- testing the waters -- walked into a CFA tomorrow holding hands, they would be served and treated courteously by the staff. (The other patrons may be another story, based on some of the comments I've read.) There will never be an overt act of discrimination.

  13. Anon 9:43 Look at how over populated our planet it because of the "normal." do you enjoy paying for all the "normal" people reproducing like rabbits with no health care?

  14. 7:14
    You really should look up facts before you spout things you don't know about. Dan Cathy has been married to the same person for almost 40 years.

  15. Queensgirl52 said...
    To Anonymous 8:17: A restaurant is a place of public accommodation regardless of who owns it. Yours is the rationale that justified "separate but equal," "No Irish need apply" and "No Jews."

    July 30, 2012 8:26 PM

    And what exactly did we gain by NOT being "separate but equal"?

    Besides inter-racial marriage, lawsuits making someone hire someone else because they cannot pass the entrance exam, laws designed for the benefit of a certain 'group', reverse discrimination, etc.

    Whatever happened to those signs I used to see at restaurants: 'we reserve the right to deny service to anyone'?

  16. Anonymous said...
    Anon 9:43 Look at how over populated our planet it because of the "normal." do you enjoy paying for all the "normal" people reproducing like rabbits with no health care?

    July 31, 2012 12:19 AM

    So your moronic solution is gay sex so "abnormal" people can spread HIV and AIDS with no healt care?

  17. To Anonymous 8:26: If I ever open a restaurant, I'll happily deny service to anyone wearing clothing with the National Rifle Assn. logo.

  18. Another point: "Reserving the right to deny service to anyone" has to be read in the context of the civil rights laws of the United States, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability. I'm pretty sure the "right to deny service" involves drunk and disorderly patrons, those not in compliance with dress codes such as "shirts and shoes required," and the like.

  19. OK 8:33. So in your restaurant when a flash mob rushes in your business and begins stealing everything you've got and 50 males are preparing to rape you in every opening in your body, you'd be screaming it's ok because there's no NRA members in here so you can do whatever you want.

  20. Look, 10:15: My point was to illustrate the absurdity of the position that businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone they don't like, or anyone with opinions contrary to theirs.

  21. To Anonymous 8:26: If I ever open a restaurant, I'll happily deny service to anyone wearing clothing with the National Rifle Assn. logo.

    July 31, 2012 8:33 AM

    Why are you responding to yourself?

  22. Look, 10:15: My point was to illustrate the absurdity of the position that businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone they don't like, or anyone with opinions contrary to theirs.

    July 31, 2012 12:35 PM

    Makes me glad I have no business that I would have to worry about that.

    If I did, I'd surely deny you.

  23. Why is okay for someone to promote for same sex marriage but it is not okay to speak against same sex marriage. Being politically correct is ruining this country. Why is it so hard to respect?

  24. Free speech is the issue here, not gay marriage. Dan Cathy has been vilified, and his business threatened by elected officials, for making some fairly benign statements. His crime is to be politically-incorrect. I, for one, am about sick of liberal hypocrites and thought police.


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