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Thursday, July 05, 2012

June 26, 2012 Special Meeting Notes From The Wicomico County Board of Education

Board Notes provide an informal summary of business conducted at recent meetings of the Wicomico County Board of Education. The Board of Education at a special meeting held on June 26, 2012:

FY 2013 Budget Approved

Approved the Fiscal Year 2013 Consolidated Current Expense Budget for the budget year beginning July 1. The Board approved the Consolidated Current Expense Budget of almost $175.5 million, an increase of nearly $6.9 million over the previous year’s budget. The increase is largely due to a $5.5 million boost in state aid. The unrestricted portion of the school system’s budget is $162.5 million, a budget level that is 4.3% more than last year. The Board is appreciative of the County Executive and the Wicomico County Council for a 2.22% increase in county funding for FY 2013. This $803,108 increase (part of a total county allocation of $37 million) exceeds the Maintenance of Effort level for the first time since FY 2009 and will enable the school system to avoid cuts that could have affected direct face-to-face instruction and services for students. Included in this increase is the county’s additional allocation of $79,170 for Textbooks and Instructional Supplies, funding which will be put to good use in every classroom in Wicomico County.

Ethics Provision, Ethics Panel

Approved the final version of the Wicomico County Board of Education Ethics Provisions, as required by state law, and approved four of the five WCBOE Ethics Panel members: Edward Henry, Robin Holloway, Anthony Sarbanes and Philip Tilghman. The newly approved panel members have extensive experience in business, government and education and their service is appreciated.



  1. Ok, who is making the appointments over at the BOE? Maybe the democrats?

  2. I'm told the county employees got a raise too....unlike city employees who have taken pay cuts for 6 years in a row now. I wonder what Jimmy Boy's Union brothers and sisters in the teachers union think of the way he treats his city employees!


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