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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Judge Says Accused Fort Hood Gunman Can Have His Beard Forcibly Shaved to Comply With Army Regulations

FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — An Army psychiatrist charged with killing 13 people in a shooting rampage at Fort Hood will be forcibly shaved if he doesn’t remove his beard himself, a judge said Wednesday.

Maj. Nidal Hasan appeared in court Wednesday sporting a beard as he did during a court appearance last month. The beard violates Army regulations, but Hasan said it is an expression of his Muslim faith.

The judge, Col. Gregory Gross, held Hasan in contempt of court for keeping the beard and fined him $1,000. Fort Hood spokesman Chris Haug said Gross gave Hasan the choice to shave on his own or be forcibly shaved sometime before his court-martial begins Aug. 20.



  1. Rules are rules!

    Everyone must look the same in the U.S. Army

  2. Maybe while they are shaving him they could accidently slip and slice his jugler with the razor.

  3. Obama will make an executive rule to cover his MUSLIM Buddy!

  4. Put some of that NAIR stuff on `em!

    No shaving required ;)

  5. he shouldn't have joined the army effin he werent gonna follow rules. Shave his nasty body hair while youre at it!

  6. He can go express his muslin faith elsewhere.
    He shouldn't have moved here, in that case...
    ...nor joined the military.

  7. Go express faith in muslimville!

  8. His commanding officer should be relieved of duty for allowing the beard to begin with. Just another liberal want-a-be general who probably sucked himself through the ranks on the back of somebody who knew Obama.


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