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Thursday, July 26, 2012

In Sign of Lofty Ambition, O'Malley Launches Federal PAC

In a sign of lofty national ambitions, Gov.Martin O'Malleyhas created a federal political action committee that could become the main financial vehicle for a presidential run in 2016.
O'Malley spokesman Rick Abbruzzese confirmed Thursday that O'Malley has put in the papers to register what is being called the O Say Can You See PAC with the Federal Election Commission. The PAC gives the governor a federal political vehicle for spending on races at both the national and state level.
Creation of the PAC was first reported Wednesday in the Washington publication Roll Call. In the modern political era, such a committee is practically a prerequisite  for a candidate to launch a presidential campaign.


  1. Other than the uber liberal commies no one would ever vote for this guy given how he has destroyed our state.

  2. just what we need a white obama thanks sjd

  3. What can we do to stop this madness!! is he insane??

  4. He is a piece of crap.

  5. He will get the gay vote. His running mate will be Mayor Jim.

  6. It was mentioned the other day he aspires to national prominence, and that Jim wants to ride his coattails to a mid-level position in either Annapolis or DC. Again, that's why Jim continues to bang the far-left drum despite strong local opposition, and O'Malley continues to praise Obama at every opportunity.

  7. Oh GOD help us!!! you think Obama is a disaster, this guy would absolutely devastate us.

  8. The only thing worse than this is Biden returning to Delaware. Hopefully for retirement.

  9. Martin is one of the smartest men I know, seriously. However, he's also the worst politician I know. Yes, he beats Joe Biden.

    Martin has no shot at winning but we knew for the past two years he was heading in this direction. We actually thought he might replace Biden this go around.

    By the time the 2016 elections come along no one in the United States will be voting for a democrat.

  10. 9:06...for the immediate future let's hope you are correct. Republicans have not been perfect but they've been around for a whole lot longer than the democrats and they've always stood firm as the party of "less government".

    Exactly how our Free Republic should be.

  11. I think he runs for Senate as Babs Mikulski retires soon. Then on to the Presidency. He is a disaster and an economic moron. If it weren't for the federal government and its proximity to Maryland, this state would be a wasteland. Maryland is one of the richest states due to the federal government, not Maryland's ability to create jobs.

  12. Republicans have not been perfect but they've been around for a whole lot longer than the democrats and they've always stood firm as the party of "less government".

    They have? Are you sure?

  13. In summation...AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
    What a perfect waste of money!

  14. Oh, he wants to be veep sooo bad.

  15. 7:36. Yes, I'm sure. Do your homework. Prior to the democrats we had the dixiecrats and a few other short lived parties.

  16. 7:36. Yes, I'm sure. Do your homework. Prior to the democrats we had the dixiecrats and a few other short lived parties.

    July 27, 2012 8:57 AM

    I did a search, as per request, and found that the Democratic Party is the oldest political party IN THE WORLD.

    So, just as I thought, you were not correct. But thanks for playing.

  17. No big news here...it's been very apparent that his big plan is to run for the presidency. GOD HELP US! He's the combination of Obama and Biden wrapped up in one package...a communist/socialist (you choose the best description) and an idiot!

  18. 7:36 You didn't site your source but it's what I learned from a very liberal professor in college.

    It's also in most American History books and as a matter of record you can find in National Archives.

    Republicans were the first because we were establishing a Free Republic. The Whigs came along after as the opposing party and some other short lived ones. The dixiecrats (and you seem so proud of this) were the party that started the Jim Crow laws ensuring blacks wouldn't be able to vote. They were also responsible for the KKK - which so many dems today deny.

    What say you to that?

  19. 7:36 You didn't site your source but it's what I learned from a very liberal professor in college.

    I think you got your times and people mixed up. As well as your 'facts'.

    You mentioned a very liberal professor so I think that would explain your confusion.

    As far as sources, (if you're even addressing me), mine are Google.

    Regardless, it doesn't matter much to me who is oldest, youngest or anything in-between.

    I'm like that other guy in history that does not like any political party and believes they are all corrupt and hurt the government.

    I cannot recall his name right now but if you do any research in this matter, you will come across him and recognize what I am referencing.



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