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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wisconsin Fall-out: Poll Shows Union Members Deserting Obama

Refusing to risk even a couple of bad news cycles (which he ended up having anyway for other reasons), President Obama refused to enter the fray in Wisconsin and personally rally on behalf of the public sector unions who staked everything on the June 5 recall election targeting Republican governor Scott Walker.

To add insult to injury, when asked why he didn’t go to Wisconsin, the President claimed he was too busy -- which is an absolute falsehood.  Obama was on a record fundraising spree the final weekend before the recall vote, and a couple of them took place in states right next door to Wisconsin.
The President had plenty of time to rally voters and to show some moral support to the unions who helped him win the presidency. He simply chose to abandon them for his own selfish political reasons. 


  1. We can only hope this is the case.

  2. like rats off a sinking ship.

  3. Can't wait for him winning re-election

  4. Even the most die hard libtards are realizing that life under Obama sucks!

  5. Obama is TOAST 6:13am....done shorty!!! GO back to Kenya with him Liberal!

  6. Obama supporters should be imprisoned and interrogated and if found not to be traders and just idiots have them sent to reeducation camps.

  7. let me guess 9:28 Anonymous, your a Christian,... right? numbnuts.


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