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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

‘When Does it Move Beyond Self-Defense?’: Civil Rights Leader Questions Texas Dad‘s Killing of Daughter’s Molester

Despite receiving tremendous support from nearby residents who say he was justified in his actions, the Texas dad who beat his 4-year-old daughter’s alleged molester to death near Shiner, Texas is remorseful for taking a man’s life, KRIV-TV in Houston reports.

“He told me that it wasn’t his intent for this individual to lose his life; he was just protecting his daughter,” Lavaca County Sheriff Micah Harmon said, recalling his conversation with the father after the incident on Saturday. The Sheriff doesn’t anticipate charges against the dad, but following an investigation the case will go to a grand jury.

KRIV-TV reports it was the father who initially called 9-1-1.

Yesterday, The Blaze brought you the story about the aforementioned father who after hearing his young daughter‘s screams coming from the family’s horse barn, found a man reportedly sexually assaulting her. He yanked the attacker off of her and punched him in the head repeatedly and ultimately killed him.



  1. in this case the euthinazation of the attacker should be justified. the damage that the attacker has caused is irreversable and will affect the child for the rest of her life.

  2. I say they need to leave this man alone. I think he was justified in the use of deadly force and would have done the same thing in this horrible situation. Although here in Maryland I would be sitting in jail but you know what it would be worth it.

  3. I think at a time like this he must have gone completely out of his mind. ( I know I would !) I could never confict him if I were on a jury to judge him .

  4. Justice is served here, any charges brought against this father shall be the shame of our society.

  5. Wake up and smell the coffee, he could have wanted to kill this person for other reasons and just made up the sex offense to kill him and noblody would blink to let him off,....could u even think that anytime someone wanted to Kill ANYONE ..Just accuse them of sex offense on your loved and kill them and accuse them of sex offense and get away with it..seems to maybe being a great new tool to kill and get away with it..so look at the whole picture first.

  6. hey Mac, do you have a young daughter? If so hold her tight, You have a whole lot of issues to think about in your life. God Bless you

  7. Only a liberal would question the fathers actions.

  8. It seems like common sense should tell you that any leader of a Civil Rights Project would be steadfast in their defense of a child's civil rights to not be sexual molested. Since the child is unable to defend their own rights the responsibility would fall upon their guardian. Since parents act on behalf of their children, the father killing the man is no different than the child killing the man. Legally parents act on behalf of their children everyday. If he didnt do anything would he have been charged with Neglect of a Child?

  9. If the rapist was black, there would be a $h*t storm right now

  10. The truth is that even if he was arrested and charged, a jury can still free him even if he has violated the letter of the law. Jury nullification is a valuable tool in combatting those who look past the spirit of the law.

    From Wiki - "Jury nullification is a constitutional doctrine which allows juries to acquit criminal defendants who are technically guilty, but who do not deserve punishment. It occurs in a trial when a jury reaches a verdict contrary to the judge's instructions as to the law."

  11. I agree with the father and would most likely have done the exact same thing, besides call the cops. But technically it is not self defense if he beats him to death. It is self defense if he beats the guy up and then takes his daughter but not to call the cops and then beat the man to death. That is for a jury to decide. I would assume the jurors would be sympathetic to him but he did break the law. You can not pick and chose times to enforce the law the way you see fit.

  12. Too bad someone didn't catch Thomas Leggs and take care of him! Would have saved the state millions!

  13. All these junior lawyers weighing in with their petty opinions.

    How about you use common sense and recognize right from wrong.

    What that perv did was wrong and he got what he much deserved. Even if the father did or did not mean to kill him.

    Actually, the perv got off easy.

  14. see this is the problem with liberals they want to make sure all the criminals get a fair shot at freedom after committing their crimes. We need swifter justice in this country. Especially in cases like this where the crook is caught redhanded! no need for a long drawn out trial and years in prison being a burden to the honest taxpaying public!

  15. I am just one who believes in the constitution...but hey its not for everyone apparently. Self Defense only gives you the right to kill if there is no other way to get away from the perp. Not beat them to death out of a rage. Like I said I agree with what the father did, I would have done the same. But the law is the law and the guy beat a man to death with his hands. That in itself goes to show it is not self defense him and his daughter had a chance to get away and he chose to finish the job. You do not get to pick and chose how to enforce laws. That is why we have a democracy.


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