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Monday, June 11, 2012

The Top 10 Liberal Pick Up Lines

Since the taxpayers are paying for your contraception, it would be a shame not to use it.

Hey, wanna check out some headwinds?

My mom lives with ME

"Your parents' basement or my parents' basement?"

Do you occupy here often?

Nice looking gender gap ya got there.

Hey baby, how about I buy you a 16oz soda? I just cashed my unemployment check!

Your favorite book is 'The Audacity of Hope'? NO WAY, ME TOO!

I bought you an I Pod and I put all of Obamas speeches on it for you.

Can I pick you up on my bike?

1 comment:

  1. Here's another one that I used to hear from a liberal "ex"

    Found out later in our dating that he was married...his excuse was "well, I did not feel like I was married"!!!

    HA HA HA!


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