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Monday, June 11, 2012

Eric Holder Claims Emails Using Words 'Fast And Furious' Don't Refer To Operation Fast And Furious

Only a man with absolutely no shame would publicly say that “Emails Using Words ‘Fast and Furious’ Don’t Refer to Operation Fast and Furious.” That man would be our very own Attorney General Eric Holder. Just another reminder of how things operate once your nation is taken over by criminal oligarchs and their puppets in the cesspool that is Washington D.C. Don’t just read the article below, make sure you watch the video embedded in it. You will see a weasel squirming under questioning from Representative Jason Chaffetz. This is what we are dealing with folks. These are the people that are running the nation. We a have a lot of work to do…



  1. obamie is just digging his hole deeper and deeper.

  2. I feel inspired when they squirm. Thank you Joe.

  3. November can not come soon enough!!


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