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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's Survey Question 6-26-12

What would you like to see change wise in Salisbury to make life better?


  1. I think it is essential that the downtown area be brought back. Can we take any lessons from Berlin, their leadership had done wonders for their downtown!

  2. Good leadership is a good start

  3. Be more business friendly!

  4. I agree with you Liddy. I think that the main difference is the people from Berlin love living in Berlin. They want it to succeed. We need to give the people of Salisbury something to love about our town. I have lived here my entire life and it is hard for me to get excited about the future of our city.

  5. Please get rid of the gangs.

  6. Dig up Frank Morris, Paul Martin and that ilk

  7. Could you imagine if you replaced Salisbury with downtown Berlin. With
    the river it would rack near the top in Maryland.

  8. Ci Ci's Pizza in front of Apple Drugs.Plenty of access and parking.

  9. No one gave me government money to start my business of 42 years and keep it going through tough times. Make downtown work without taking my retirement.

    To answer your question, Joe, I'd like to see everyone from the government on down keep our city cleaner. The mayor needs to stop picking fights with everybody so he needs to clean up his mouth, too.

  10. Tear down the LAke Street homes and build a recreation park with ball fields; get more positive use out of them.

  11. Maybe they should delmolish Dag Shorty's residence for the ball fields instead. Those Lake Street homes are private property.

  12. Curfew of 9pm on school nights and 11pm on any other night.

    Enforce jaywalking and littering laws.

    Install officer in ER of PRMC on weekends, perhaps with hospital sharing the costs.

    Foot patrols by police.

    Get rid of Mayor and council members and anyone else, that is detrimental to Salisbury.

    Have city police more visible than county and state police and have city police retain jurisdiction, thereby making them accountable and hopefully more prideful of their city.

    Give me awhile and I'll think of others.

  13. Those Lake Street homes are private property.

    June 26, 2012 3:49 PM

    Not if they are condemned first and the government takes ownership. I forget the term that describes this process.

  14. How about a community center. Place one in several different areas. North, South, East and West Salisbury. Id add to that have classes and workshops and community events for the areas. Tailor each one towards it communities needs.Maybe fund raisers for schools, yard sales for a non profit do something good for a elderly person in need. Art programs Music and lots of activities for kids to get them away from TV. Reading programs.Math games. checkers and chess clubs, you get the picture? Lots of possibilities to make our neighborhoods more civilized. Conflict resoulution and anger managagement classes. Cooking and healthy meal prep classes.Basket ball, kick ball and group activity games. A walking path.A community garden.

  15. I forget the term that describes this process.

    June 26, 2012 4:09 PM

    Now I remember: eminent domain.

  16. you as mayor to start.

  17. Just copy Easton

  18. Easton Really? Close ECI


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