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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Thanks To The Supreme Court, Our Democracy Is Now In Deep Trouble

Fueled by tens of millions of dollars in out-of-state corporate and billionaire cash – giving him an 8-to-1 spending advantage over his Democratic opponent – Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker prevailed in Tuesday night's recall election. This is the second major election in the post-Citizens United era – and for the second straight time organized money beat organized people – just like what happened in 2010 when Tea Party Republicans swept into Congress with the help of over $300 million in outside corporate cash. In a slight consolation – Democrats may take control of the state Senate – as one Republican state Senator out of four facing a recall appears to be headed for a defeat. Despite reports of massive voter turnout around the state Tuesday afternoon – the turnout was actually closer to 2010 levels when more than 2 million Wisconsinites voted and Republicans won big – rather than 2008 levels when closer to 3 million Wisconsinites elected President Obama and Democrats. So what does all this mean? It means that things really are as bad as we think they are – and the Supreme Court really has handed over our democracy to the highest bidders – giant corporations, foreign governments, and the likes of the Koch brothers.

Wisconsin gives us a glimpse into the election coming this November – and patriotic Americans have five months to figure out how to overcome these oligarchs – and undo the incredible damage the Roberts Court has done to democracy in the nation of its modern-era birth. Sherrod Brown and Bernie Sanders are fighting against the cancer in our democracy - Citizens United - and you can join their efforts at sherrodbrown.com and bernie.org, and movetoamend.org.


  1. Oh shut up! You lost and will continue to lose your union strong hold. People just don't dislike you.... they hate you. It's only because of public sector unions that pension reform has become necessary.
    In Wisconsin even union members voted against you.

  2. WHo wrote this crap? The only reason Dems are upset is because they can no longer pass punitive regulations on corporations with no back lash. Dems and public sector unions have been holding all the cards for to long. The corporations(Ie, GE, and now General motors and Chrysler) that towed the line and played by their rules were rewarded with tax breaks and favorable legistlation. Corporations that didn't suffered massive regulation and tax burdens with no recourse. THe government got into the business of picking winners and losers. The supreme court has just leveled the playing field. It is time that all corporations are treated equally and none are "to big to fail". There should not have been bailouts. If they fail because of mismanagement, oh well. There will be another start-up or company waiting to slide in to meet demand. I hope there is a stunning electoral upheaval in Novemeber. As far as I am concerned all incumbients should be replaced. THey have either participated or been complacent in the crumbling of our culture. Time for new blood. Hit the reset button

  3. No mention of George Soros or the hollywood elite.

  4. Love to know from which hole the author pulled that "8 to 1" ration out.

  5. Same old stuff ME ME ME MORE MORE MORE FREE FREE FREE time to wake up and see how the real world lives.

  6. so, finally a group of people (business) has the same rights as a different group of people (unions). sounds horrible.

  7. If this new ruling helps destroy unions< I'm all for it. There are a cancer on this country.

  8. If this new ruling helps destroy unions< I'm all for it. There are a cancer on this country.

  9. The union creeps are roaming around Ocean city trying to get signatures for the city workers to unionized or something. I just got an email warning about them from my friend, he ended lying to them saying he had to go somewhere so he could get rid of them. They are knocking on people's doors. We are all hiding from them.
    They need to leave ASAP and take their petiotions with them before public opinion turns against the city workers as it appears to be doing with alot of my friends.

  10. I'll never understand why unions are so unpopular on this blog. Ordinary, working class people, banding together to force businesses to pay a living wage...how is this a bad thing?

    Unless all you guys are business owners...aah, now it makes more sense!

  11. 4:40
    My husband could have joined a union and made more money. By the time you page union wages and only work maybe 6-9 months out of the year it is not worth all the trouble. They also give people a hard time if they want to leave the union to get a job that will pay them for 12 months. Union had their place once. Now is not the time. Why would someone pay someone so they could work. Union wages are not living wages they are over inflated wages.

  12. 4:40 You got that! Unions bad corporations are good. Isn't it amazing what a steady diet of Fox News has done to the mind.

  13. 4:40 As a state employee I did not want to join the union. The state made me. Now every pay check they are taking my money. I feel if you want to join so be it. You should not be made to join anything that you don't want or need. I feel if you do the job you are to do, you don't need a union.map

  14. 4:40, you are clueless.

    unions kill businesses. businesses hire people and pay wages and many times percs.

    delmarva is a perfect example of unions devestating effect on the businesses that WERE here and employed thousands of local people. unions got greedy and just didn't understand competition.

    can't compete with inflated wages and excessive percs and pensions. that golden calf had to be killed..

  15. Sounds like the last presidential election. Remember when the presumptive democratic nominee challanged the republican nominee to forgo private campaign donations so both campaigns would receive the same amount of public funding - until his handlers realized that they were going to raise way more money.


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