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Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Pension Reform Prairie Fire Has Started

After the defeat of Governor Scott Walker’s recall, we thought we’d post this piece from January 2011. Big pension reform ballot measures won big in San Jose and San Diego. This gives us our children hope.

Interestingly, Europe is dealing with very similar issues, but on a cross-country basis and without political union.

Smells like a prairie fire to us and the President is caught offside. Expect markets to start flirting with and sniffing out that Romney rally.

P.S. We were way wrong about Governor Brown.

State and Local Governments, Man Your Battle Stations!

Take a look at the new cover of the Economist. We have been all over the coming “battle royal” between the state and local governments and their public sector unions, but not as much as Mike Shedlock over at the Global Economic Trend Analysis blog. We love teachers, fighter fighters, policemen, and all productive public servants, but think they are being led over the cliff by their unions.



  1. If elected Mayor of Salisbury, will you eliminate the City of Salisbury employee's pension and health insurance programs?

  2. Obviously you don't know much about how things are done in politics.

    Foirst of all, ONLY the City Council could do such a thing. The Mayor could recommend it but the Council makes the ultimate decision on ALL decisions of this nature.

    For too many years Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton have made it apear as if THEY were in charge, that will change immediately after I'm elected.

    Now, IF you had asked, would I recommend such a thing to the Council my answer would be, absolutely not. Would Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart, Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman recommend it and vote to remove it, I think we all know the answer to that question, especially if certain Council Members were participating in it.

  3. I don't believe has it happened anywhere yet, where penisons and benefits have been totally eliminated. This is what the reform is attempting to avert by doing things like asking workers to pay a small percent more into benefits and taking 1 less paid vacation day.
    What's happened is the trend nationwide that more people are retired and collecting benefits than are actually currently employed by the governments.
    This trend occured gradually as a result of people living longer and bascially collecting retirement benefits sometimes for 30 plus years, much longer than they every actually worked at the job.

  4. If public employee's get a pension we all should.

  5. 4:28, don't hold your breath. we make our own decesions as to where we work according to our education, interests, needs, etc.
    this is totally our responsibility.

    most of us know what is required to make a living and if we don't we need to find out real quick.

    some of us have had to become creative and make our own way by starting our own businesses, working through the internet and more. there are many ways to make an honest living today. stop depending on everyone else. just do it.

    make your own way and save for your future. don't incure debt. live within your means. have a great day...


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