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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Temporary Public Use Closure at Assateague National Seashore

A new area of Assateague Island National Seashore is temporarily closed to public use in order to protect breeding piping plovers. The closed area includes the portion of the public Over-Sand Vehicle (OSV) route south of kilometer marker (KM) 18.0. All vehicle use south of KM 18.0 is prohibited. The updated closure began June 15, and will remain in effect for up to four weeks.

To continue to accommodate over- night camping, the designated “bullpen” camping area has been temporarily relocated north of the new closure area within the existing OSV zone.

The interior portion of northern Assateague Island, including much of the island north of Assateague State Park, has been closed to public use since April. The ocean beaches along northern Assateague Island remain open and accessible from Assateague State Park and from the boat landing area on the Island’s northern tip.



  1. screw the birds. Just look at the BS happening to Hatteras.

  2. Eventually ALL of assateague will be closed because of the enviros.


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