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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Here Are 6 New Facts You Need to Know About the Abused Bus Driver Incident

As outrage continues over video footage showing a bus monitor from Greece, New York, being abused by middle school children, the kids at the center of the controversy are speaking out. On Thursday night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper read official statements from the children that purportedly showcased their remorse — apologies that victim Karen Klein flatly rejected.

(1) These apologies are an interesting, new element in the bizarre incident that has attracted mass attention and support for Klein. The Huffington Post provides a recap of the comments that were released to CNN and read on the air to Klein last night:
“I feel really bad about what I did,” [Weslie], one of the boys in the video, said in a statement issued to the show by police. “I wish I had never done those things. If that had happened to someone in my family, like my mother or grandmother, I would be really mad at the people who did that to them.”
“I am so sorry for the way I treated you,” Josh, another one of the boys, said in a statement. “When I saw the video I was disgusted and could not believe I did that. I am sorry for being so mean and I will never treat anyone this way again.”


  1. BS, these kids are now sorry for something they did, I doubt it is their first time bullying someone. They need to be treated like the bullies they are, not toss out an apology and all is forgiven. If my kids spoke to anyone in that manner they wouldn't be able to sit down comfortably.

  2. If my kids spoke to anyone in that manner they wouldn't be able to sit down comfortably.

    June 23, 2012 12:26 PM

    If not already, those kids should all feel that way.

  3. These students should attend another school several miles away and have the parents drive them...While the parents and students spend some time together maybe the parent can teach their students how to treat each other.
    It is a big problem when parents dont take the time to spend time with their children..teach them right from wrong. (If they know)?

  4. These children are merely parroting all the things their parents have been impressing on them since the incident. Perhaps more parenting and less reactive discipline would have taught these little pukes how to respect people BEFORE this incident even occurred.

  5. They are not sorry for their actions!!! No one with any morals talks to others in this way!!

    They're running scared & have been directed to apologize!

  6. I am a bus driver and I believe the driver should have been made aware of the situation as it was going on. Each of the students involved in using foul language would be given a day off the bus. The student that kept touching her would have assault charges brought against him. It should have never been allowed to get this far.

  7. What has happened to old fashion morals. These boys should have gone to Karen and made their apologies in person; not having mom & dad do it. Children follow the lead of parents, and this just shows them that they can get off easier. Sure the parents are punishing them-good, but they should be made to do community service work for Karen or at a homeless place.

  8. I betcha the only reason these kids are being punished is the simply fact this made the news.


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