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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sheriff Joe: 'Obama Waging War on Arizona

“Obama is waging war on Arizona over illegal immigration.”

That terse assessment is from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has tangled with the White House over his investigation of Obama’s birth records, as well as the Department of Justice’s allegations that the sheriff’s department profiles suspects.

Both of those major issues remain unresolved, with Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse review of Obama’s eligibility for the White House continuing. The investigators earlier confirmed there is probable cause to believe Obama’s birth records were forged and presenting them as an official government document is a fraud.



  1. After hearing and reading about Arizona for the past day and half, my heart goes out to them, along with Texas etc.

    Shame on our government for not upholding their own laws. Then to create a phone number or email for people to tattle tale when they believe something is not being carried out correctly is EMBARRASSING!

  2. Sheriff Joe should simply deport the illegals he apprehends to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Drop them off and drive away.

  3. Anyone else tired of the "War On ____" rhetoric?

  4. Keep up the good work Sheriff Joe!


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