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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Laura Mitchell Hangs Out With Governor Today

I don't mean to pick on Laura Mitchell but seeing her in Salisbury this morning really bothered me today, allow me to explain.

You see, the Taxpayers of Salisbury paid for Laura Mitchell to attend the yearly MML seminars/classes today. Rather than attending those classed already paid for, she was at Evolution Brewery.

Considering Mrs. Mitchell had already gone way over budget on such trips already this year, (in reality NO ONE ELSE can attend ANY trips because she spent so much of the entire budget) it pretty much ticked me off that she would slap the citizens in the face by playing hookie at MML in Ocean City.

My job is to report the news and this is news.


  1. News to who? Certainly not normal people.

  2. I don't mean to be dumb, but who is Laura Mitchell? Can you tell us what her position/title is? I don't live in Salisbury so her name doesn't ring a bell with me.

  3. she was hanging out with the governor? I feel bad for the governor...

  4. Since I pay city taxes this really ticks me off. Glad I can say I wasn't one of the fools who voted for her. Those of you who did should feel like fools.

  5. Just 10 months from now things going to change in a BIG way!

  6. Let me get this straight. We paid for her to be at mml. She's already gone over budget and she's making trips back and forth from OC at our expense just to be at a brewery to be with the governor. Isn't this the woman who's husband quit the democrat club yesterday. She'll never get our votes again.

  7. Seems to me that no matter where she is, you complain.

  8. Who is this woman?

  9. Well I say thank you Laura! I'm glad one of our elected politicians has the foresight to meet with the governor. Maybe she can undo some of the damage those other three idiots caused by bailing out of the bricks, rewiring safe streets, bypassing youth stimulus grants, and pissing off the NAACP. Salisbury is a laughing stock over the bridge because of the majority on Council- if Laura is trying to tackle that problem by rubbing elbows with the governor than I say power to her! You go girl! Keep up the great work!

  10. can you say, "POLITICAL GROUPIE"?

  11. @2:12
    As long as she's still in office, no matter where she is I'll complain also.

  12. thanks for wasting my taxpayer monies laura. when will this ever stop??? thanks for reporting this. it is news when any elected, paid official is wasting my money.

  13. To those asking who she is : She is a city councilwoman.

  14. If that's her with her back to us , she needs to shy away from the table.

  15. oh so she is the women looking at the camera or the women leaning on the fence

  16. Joe, My question for you is, Why did you call CouncilWoman Campbell regarding Ireton's call to you. Many of us don't get it!

  17. anonymous 3:55, I'd be more than happy to answer that question for you. When I spoke with JIM that Saturday night it was pretty obvious he was pretty depressed. When Jim didn't return my calls or text messages, (as he always has in the past) I grew concerned for his well being. I called Debbie Campbell to get Jim's address so I could drive by and check up on him. After explaining to Debbie what had happened she felt it would be best to ask the Police Chief to go by or send someone by to check up on him.

    The decision was an honorable one out of true concern. Look, Jim could have easily replied, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT JOE, HE DID NOT. Some have tried to turn our good intentions around and that's unfortunate. Nevertheless, what else do they have to say. Jim screwed up, period.

  18. 2:28, "rewiring safe streets"?

    WTH are you talking about?

  19. June 26, 2012 2:28 PM

    You evidently have no clue about what council really does. Has Laura shared her Democrat Kool-Aid with you?
    As for hanging with the Governor, she just does it to further her bigger political career outside of Salisbury. She'll be with her husband and the Lt. Gov tonight at the MML banquet for some more Kodak moments.

  20. The curly haired girl next to governor looks like Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

  21. Rubbing elbows with that incompetent fake smiled bafoon speaks volumes!! including the clueless ingrate 2:28. What?? the dollars you already squeeze out of us and waste is not enough for you...You Gotta be the benificary of the city /state lavish graces.
    Drink tea not cool-aid, its better for you less sugar and chemicals Like what I use to clean my battery terminlas. I'll pick a all natural drink. Anyday..Your cool-aid is unnatural foul and not healthly....

  22. 4:52 If she furthers her political carrer it shows you 1- the population is down right stupid..or 2- goes to show ya it not what you know! but who ya.....><?

  23. I bet they had no food left! LOL

  24. 2:28 is obviously part of the Spin Team.

    Safe Streets is here because of Terry Cohen, you buffoon. It's public knowledge and we all know it so don't try to rewrite history.

    The council majority didn't reject a youth grant - they said it belonged with the county like everywhere else in the country, and guess where it is now? Yep, with the county.

    The Bricks? Maybe the Mayor and his staff and Louise Smith shouldn't have snuck around behind the council's back for that financial fiasco.

    I may not agree with everything a particular elected official does, including the three in the majority on council, but unlike 2:28, I won't LIE to oppose them!

  25. Do keep us informed abhout this dip
    ----! How people like her ever get in office is beyond me!!!!!!!!

    You three on Council-----Keep up the good work.

    Joe , on county council is a people person----meaning ----- he cares!

  26. When you have spent your life lying cheating stealing and spending OTHER people's money, this is just a normal days work for her....and I use "work" in the loosest of possible definitions when it comes to Laura Mitchell. If the taxpayers pay for something you waste on purpose, they deserve to be reimbursed. THATS what I'm calling on her to do --- reimburse the people for the money she wasted. I told you before she was elected that she was a piece of mooching, deadbeat trash. ANOTHER wanna be politico who now thinks she answers for nothing to anyone. Who is surprised?

  27. Anonymous said...
    The curly haired girl next to governor looks like Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

    June 26, 2012 5:30 PM

    Ah Look again or take the beer googles off, that is NOT the governor in that picture! It's Jim Mathias.

    Laura Mitchell is the council person who wanted to take the Lord's prayer out of the council meetings. Her time for judgement is yet to come.

  28. Dissappointed in SalisburyJune 27, 2012 at 7:18 AM

    I am very sure here meet and greet with to Gov. will be explained by her as a work session she is bringing back vital information from. The same way "all the people" she spoke to about various resolutions turns into multitudes who disagree with the council. The Gov can send a message and people can show up to meetings so she can shut up and stop grandstanding.

  29. You didn't mention Terry Cohen attended this same event, which was celebrating business growth in Salisbury.

  30. The taxpayers didn't pay for Terry to be at MML. Mainly because Laura Mitchell drained the entire Council's expense account.

    Terry showed up as Council President to show her support towards EVO and the incredible jobs they provide to our community.

  31. Mitchell is much like Comegys, she will attend anything that offers free food. From that picture, it doesn't look like she misses any meals.

  32. That girl looks nothing like Shultz. She's better looking.

  33. Anonymous said...
    "I don't mean to be dumb, but who is Laura Mitchell?"

    We all ask ourselves the same question here in Salisbury. Some thought she was the best bet as a third choice in the latest city council election. We now know better.


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