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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Senior Pranks _ Where Do You Draw The Line?

Well, it's that time of year again. Time to stash a dead fish somewhere to stink up the school hallways. Time to drop tennis balls on the heads of people in the lobby. Time to cover your soon-to-be alma mater with Post-It notes.

For high school seniors, it's prank time _ or "structured mayhem" in the words of Mindy Utay, a therapist who works with teens.

It's a rite of passage as graduation looms, mostly harmless fun but sometimes a escalating into vandalism. This spring alone, windows at school have been smashed, walls and sidewalks spray painted, and paint poured down steps. Cars have been flipped. Property has been damaged from California to Kentucky to Maryland.



  1. For our senior prank we moved all parking blocks in the parking lot into the shape of our abbreviated graduation year. The next day everyone came to school to see our symbol made in the parking lot our of parking blocks. It was a good laugh and then we put them back.

  2. Clever idea & at least you put them back. Congrats.

  3. my ol buddy tom noble, climbed the flagpole and dropped a couple tires over it. priceless. He even wrote about it in his book. can't remember the title.

  4. You know If no one is hurt thats a small reward for graduating.


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