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Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Case For The Dollar: Nothing Has Changed

If one looks at a chart showing the value of the United States dollar against major currencies, one could argue that what was achieved in the presidency of Barack Obama looks very similar to what was achieved in the presidency of George W. Bush. Both presidents created substantial amounts of credit inflation during their time in office and both presidents saw the value of the United States dollar decline against other major currencies in the world.

The only thing that separates the two periods is the time in which there was a "flight to quality" in late 2008 and early 2009 and the value of the dollar rose. However, as President Obama took charge the decline in the value of the dollar resumed.


1 comment:

  1. How is the decline in the value of a dollar not a good thing? It makes our good cheaper to buy, thus making our exporters much more competitive against China, etc.


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