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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Residents Protest Cursing Ban With Profanity-Laced Rally to Prove That ‘Gov’t Is a Bully’

Some detractors in Middleborough, Massachusetts, are protesting a new law that bans public profanity — and they’re taking an interesting avenue in doing so. Rather than calmly petitioning politicians or taking other, less flagrant approaches, several dozen residents came together on Monday to host a profanity-laden protest against the new ordinance. The bylaw, which passed overwhelmingly just two weeks ago, will allow $20 tickets to be handed out for public cursing.

While some of the protesters shouted expletives during the rally, others carried posters that advertised offensive language — the same language that is likely soon-to-be-banned. The spectacle, which also attracted individuals who support the law, took place on the lawn in front of the Middleborough Town Hall.



  1. While I find profanity to be extremely rude and inconsiderate of everyone around you, there is a little thing called, Freedom of Speech...what are they doing in Massachusetts??

  2. This is the kind of stuff that shows everyone that the government has gotten to big and invades in our lives way too much, we need to have a revolution and overthrow the bastards, then put America back on track as the original founding fathers wanted!


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