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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Banned McDonald’s Customer: I Didn’t Even Hit Employee With The Chicken Sandwich I Threw At Her

We've certainly read our fair share of stories about impromptu food fights brought on by angry customers and/or irritable employees, but usually the parties involved are somewhat contrite afterward. However, one woman in Ohio is outraged that she was banned from her area McDonald's eateries after she tossed her sandwich at a store staffer.

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  1. Why would she want to go back to Mcd's anyway? Had a similar event at Comcast payment counter: I slid the bill with payment about 3 inches toward the cashier: Quote (talking on the phone) "I have to go now, someboy's throwing stuff at me." I don't pay in person anymore...

  2. Ahh, 4:21 Would that be the one on Hobbs Road? They have the rudest Customer Service Center there that I have ever seen!! I have been paying my bill online for about a year due to those women over there!!

  3. That is probably why they are so rude--Comcast would love to have everyone pay online or by automatic withdrawal from your bank every month (in advance, of course).


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