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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Governor O'Malley Visits Evolution Brewery

John & Tommy Knorr welcomed Governor O'Malley along with multiple dignitaries from the Eastern Shore.

The Knorr Brothers employ more than 350 employees within all of their corporations and the Governor was very excited about that.

At this moment the Governor is touring the entire facility where Comptroller Peter Franchot will also be visiting around 1:00 this afternoon.


  1. He's smiling because he's getting ready to hike the tax on breweries.

  2. Yes and actually craft brews should
    have a higher % tax then your standard poor man's beer.

  3. I cant believe youd even let those 2 thieving dirtbags on the property!
    Shame on you!

  4. June 26, 2012 2:03 PM Comment "Yes and actually craft brews should
    have a higher % tax then your standard poor man's beer."

    Why? becasue you don't like it or can't afford it? Do you view craft beers as snobish or only for the rich? Beer in any form is meant to be enjoyed for its taste and effects. What warrants a such a statement? DO you currently occupy a government job? Becasue that is type of idiotic statment that smacks of entiltement and class division. 9% isn't a high enough tax for you? Do you want to join your European brothers who get taxed 19%+ on their purchase on top of being taxed close to 50% of their income?

    How about home brews? Should they also be taxed? How about anything that you produce at your home? Compost, vegatables, friuts, well water. Shouldn't the government get their slice of your pie? Or would you prefer that they just raise property taxes again to make up the differnece and that way they don;t need to worry about the details.

    If you want to shut up and hand your money over to a government that clearly shows it does not know what it is doing go ahead.

  5. O"Dumbass is a good fit for Salisbury

  6. The owners should never ever have allowed omalley to step foot in their brewery! All he is doing (on the advice of his big corp buddies/big doners) is looking for something to regulate, permit or add a fee to. These micro breweries are a hugh threat to the big beer corps with their regional and niche markets. They want them regulated so they can't afford to stay in business.
    Over regulations and nickel and diming small businesses to death is the only way the big corps have to get around the anti trust laws anymore.
    That's why THEY (and not politicians) dreamed up the EPA and other fed regulatory agencies.
    Don't be fooled!

  7. I'm surprised they let Democrat gov O'Money in the building. They support republicans, like any good business person, they compromised ideals, for a photo op and free advertising.

    They should have presented O'Malley with a bill, with the tax circled in red!


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