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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Do You Have Emergency Savings? Almost Half Of Americans Don’t

Is there a box of cash stuffed behind the freezer-burned chicken in your freezer to cover your butt in case of an emergency, or even better, money set aside in your savings in case you need it? Almost half of all Americans — 49% — don't have enough emergency savings to cover three months of expenses, says new research.

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  1. This must be a trick question! Are you kidding? Partner unemployed for almost 2 years and a child in college. Get real.

  2. I had a savings account with money in it then Obama was elected President ,enough said.

  3. Paycheck to paycheck.

  4. All we need to do is just listen to the guy who not only paid for his house by the age of 17, but worked his way through college and gave his sister advice that helped her become a millionaire. He retired at age 22 and ridicules the rest of the country for being so damn stupid. He's a genius. Just ask him. The ones who had their 401(k)'s stolen, their job eliminated or sent overseas, lost their home after their company went under, got sick and couldn't afford the treatment, had a child get sick and couldn't afford the costs, had their hours cut, or took a job at half of what they made before, well, those are the weaklings and the brainless, according to the boy wonder I'm referring to....I think about 20% of those who SAY they have extra cash are lying....


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