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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Florida Sues Homeland Security

The state of Florida announced on Monday that it is filing a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security to gain access to a federal database of undocumented immigrants so the state can continue its illegal purge of Democratic voters. In response, the Department of Justice said it is suing the state of Florida for violating the Voter Registration Act and the Voting Rights Act by continuing its voting purge after the DOJ demanded the state stop last week. Several county election supervisors in Florida – many of them Republicans – have come out against Governor Rick Scott's lawsuit – arguing that it's just an effort by the Governor and Secretary of State to improve their image. And every single local country election supervisor has refused to comply at a local level with Governor Scott's purge. A new poll shows a majority of voters in Florida oppose Governor Scott's purge – and his own approval rating has plummeted to 31%. But Governor Scott knows what the rest of the Republican Party knows – and that's that polls don't matter – votes matter. And if enough Democratic voters can get kicked off the rolls – then Mitt Romney will win in November – and Governor Scott will be re-elected a few years after.

1 comment:

  1. "...And if enough Democratic voters can get kicked off the rolls –..."

    This is a complete lie. A misrepresentation.
    What is true, most ILLEGAL voters will vote for democrats that give them entitlements they do not deserve.
    They do not legally deserve the right to vote disenfranchising REAL Americans that ARE registered to vote. No valid picture I.D., no representative vote.


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