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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


On June 2, 2012, 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. detectives from the Ocean City Police Narcotics Unit and the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team conducted a plainclothes drug enforcement operation on the Ocean City Boardwalk to target drug dealers and sellers.

During the operation, detectives made a total of five arrests for distribution of marijuana. During one of the incidents, detectives met three males near Dorchester Street and the Boardwalk and purchased marijuana. When uniformed officers and detectives moved in to arrest the men, two of the three suspects resisted arrest. The suspects that resisted arrest immediately tried to reach into their front waistband areas of their pants. Police were able to restrain the suspects in handcuffs.

After the suspects were arrested, it was determined that both men had replica handguns in their waistbands. One was a replica of a Walther CP-99 and the other was a replica of a Smith and Wesson semi auto handgun. There were no injuries to officers or suspects.

The two suspects who resisted arrest and were found to be in possession of the replica weapons were identified as a 14 year-old juvenile male from Cambridge, MD and Rashaun Jakeem Downs, 19 of Easton, MD.

Kenneth Walter Stepp, 23, of Wilmington, DE, was charged with distribution and possession of marijuana. He was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was released after posting a $7,500 bond.

Tavaugn Akeem Batson, 20, of Easton, MD, was charged with distribution and possession of marijuana. He was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and held on bond and transferred to the Worcester County Jail.

Kemroy Alvin Thompson,19, of Beltsville, MD, was charged with distribution and possession of marijuana. He was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was released after posting a $7,500 bond.

Juvenile 14-year-old male, from Cambridge, MD, was charged with distribution and possession of marijuana and possession of a concealed replica firearm. He was released by Juvenile Services to a family member.

Rashaun Jakeem Downs, 19, of Easton, MD, was charged with distribution and possession of marijuana and possession of a concealed replica firearm. He was released on his own recognizance.

Ocean City Police want to remind citizens that undercover and plainclothes police officers will be patrolling Ocean City. If you are planning on using drugs, buying drugs or selling drugs, police will arrest you. Possession of replica weapons is a violation of the Town of Ocean City Code. If you are found in possession of a replica handgun you will be charged with this violation.


  1. Great, they arrested these kids for passing around a plant. who cares? aren't there better things to do? if the plant wasn't illegal, these kids wouldn't be criminals and would probably not have f***ed over their futures. This state/country/world needs to think the laws regarding cannabis.

  2. 9:49 Nice to hear from the "cop Hater" this morning. Seems to me that you would do better to try to improve yourself a bit You are one bitter puppy It's a shame

  3. Outstanding job!
    Personal responsibililty- they made the choice to sell illegal drugs. It's their fault, not the State of MD.

  4. People and their lack of common sense....if the police told you oranges were bad for you and made them illegal would you stop eating them?

  5. We don't have the luxury of picking and choosing what laws to obey. These punks had replica guns this time next time they will be shooting at the cops and innocent bystanders.

  6. police didn't make drugs illegal bud.

  7. It is sad one would blame the cops for making the "laws". The bottom line is the law was broken they got caught. That is how the game works. The Batson name is synomimous with dope up in Talbot and Dorchester. The apple did not fall far from the tree there.

    Great job O.C.P.D. keep cleaning the thugs from the board walk. It is much needed.

    Anyone who has been on the walk after 8 p.m. knows the deal. It is a thug haven. Dont let this great attraction fall to these punks.

  8. I never said a word about the cops, I said "People and their common sense..." refering to you all and your lack of common sense. Cigarettes kill thousands of people a year but I guess that is not bad for you. It is only not bad for you because the government makes money off of it A LOT of money that is.

  9. You are an idiot 12:07. No doubt a young adult that has no future, no job and smokes cannabis.


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