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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Will Gay Marriage Force Black Churches To Reconsider Democratic Party?

President Obama’s affirmation of gay marriage threatens to undermine the near-monolithic black support Obama enjoyed in 2008. Several members of the black clergy now say they intend to sit out the presidential election. One poll from last November found black opposition to gay marriage at 58 percent, higher than the rest of the country, which is about evenly split.

The real question is this: What took black church leaders so long to reconsider their near blind support for the Democratic Party?

The historical strength of black churches has been that of a moral and spiritual refuge in a once-hostile country of legalized slavery and Jim Crow. This explains why so many civil rights leaders came out of the church. The moral cause was just and clear: Equal rights mean equal rights — for everyone.

But equal rights and equal results are two very different things. The modern civil rights movement lost its way by failing to appreciate the difference. To achieve “equal results,” the Democratic Party, among other things, demands redistribution of wealth, a government response to the “gap” between the rich and poor, higher minimum wages and higher taxes on the so-called rich.

The Democratic Party opposes education vouchers, despite polls showing that black and Hispanic inner-city parents want them. The Democratic Party is the party of race-based preferences and also opposes privatization of Social Security.



  1. Of course not! Don't be silly.

  2. No if anythink they will come over to his side and support gay marriage. Not all but the percentage will go up

  3. No. They would vote for a black person even if he or she was the Devil. Why not. 98.5% of blacks did it in 2008, and as of today, still don't know the difference.

  4. Of course not, blacks vote blindly for the black candidate.

  5. Why would any group of people that strived for civil rights think that other equal citizens don't deserve equal rights as well? I don't understand minorities stances against gay marriage.

  6. Boy we've got some sharp ones on this board.

    7:42, have you seen the percentage of blacks that voted for the democratic white guys before?

    To all the rest of the whiners, seems to me I see alot of blind following by evangelicals when it comes to the GOP. Unless you are going to call out both sides for the idiocy of partisan politics, sit back and shut up clowns.

  7. 2:08
    Big difference in black and gay.
    Being black is not a crime.
    Sodomy is.

  8. Anonymous 9:23pm

    "Of course not, blacks vote blindly for the black candidate."

    So you have forgotten that blacks tend to vote primarily for the democratic party? Blacks have voted in the high nineties for the democratic party in the last few elections.

    Not because Obama is black.


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