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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Safeway Suspends Employee After He Stopped A Man From Hitting Pregnant Girlfriend

We've gotten multiple tips from readers expressing disgust at Safeway, after an employee in California was suspended without pay for intervening in a domestic assault situation inside the store. The police called the worker a hero for stopping a man from hitting his pregnant girlfriend.

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  1. Not Safeway's place to interfear in domestic disputes.

  2. 7:19 What do you consider a domestic dispute? It is not a domestic dispute if it takes place in public, in a retail establishment. I would have stopped it too. You must be a Travon supporter as well. Go pack sand.

  3. It is ANY DECENT PERSON'S place to stop such a shameful and cruel act.

    @The Anonymous poster who says "Not Safeway's place to interfear in domestic disputes."

    Your mother would be as ashamed of you as I am.

  4. @ The anonymous coward that posted "Not Safeway's place to interfear in domestic disputes"

    Your mother would be as ashamed of you as I am.


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