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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Volunteer Mounted Patrols to Debut in Howard Co.

SAVAGE, Md. (AP) - Howard County police are getting some equine assistance this Memorial Day weekend.

The department has established a new volunteer mounted patrol unit. Twelve people will conduct patrols while riding their own horses. The unit starts work this weekend in the Savage area.

The mounted volunteers won't have any police powers, but police say they will report any suspicious activity and deter crime.


1 comment:

  1. Just what we need, more neighborhood watch people, now on horses to call in every little jay walking complaint that will require an on-duty police response. I'm sure the police officers over there are REAL HAPPY about this. We do not need dedicated people to be the eyes and ears for the police. This always ends up bad. They will think they have more authority then they do and next thing you know the County Sanctioned unit will get sued. Most security guards/neighborhood watch people are nothing more then wannabe cops. We just need regular people to just report crimes


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