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Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Parking Meter Sensors Put An End To Parking On Previous Driver's Dime

Have you ever pulled up to a metered parking spot and found that the driver who just left the space still had time left on the meter? It's like getting free money, especially if that leftover time is enough for you to run your errand without having to feed the meter. But the folks in Denver are testing out new sensors that would delete any remaining time when you drive away from the meter.

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  1. As far as I'm concerned it violates a contract. If I pulled in and fed the meter fr an hour, that spot belongs to me for that hour. If I pulled out and forgot that I had to do something else and oulled back in - I'd have to feed the meter again? NO that spot belongs to me. If I pull out...the spot still belongs to me. If I pull out of the spot that is still rented, the next guy gets to use it until the rent runs out.

  2. Nope. Once you leave the space, you have waived any further right to its use.

    You have no right to hold a claim to any empty space even if you paid for extra time on the meter.... it does NOT belong to you.

  3. Don't tell Ireton about this! He'll have them set to zero out as the driver walks into the stores!

  4. It's not about the money! It's for the children.

  5. @9:34
    Totally agree plus it violates any sense of fair play.
    I'm curios as to the bonehead who initiated a costing out of this operation.

  6. Next thing you know we'll be charged for breathing air. What a bunch of crooks.

  7. I think it's a great idea!

  8. The answer would be to attach the meter to the front bumper with a big chain and take it with you when you leave

  9. The author of this post must be ancient.I can't recall the last time a parking meter took a dime.

  10. WHO in the hell are the people that come up with these ideas? Are there special classes and degrees for people who can make a career of finding new and innovative ways to screw citizens out of every possible dollar (or quarter) they can get their Scrooge-like bony fingers upon? I mean OTHER than our career legislators....it wouldn't be so bad if they also had a proposal to REFUND time you DIDN'T use, but THAT surely NEVER crossed their wicked, evil little minds.


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