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Monday, May 07, 2012

Top General: Obama Knew About OBL’s Hideout in Abbottabad Since Summer of 2010 – Refused To Act Until May (Video)

General Jack Keane (Retired), the former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, told Mike Huckabee tonight that Barack Obama knew about Osama Bin Laden’s hideout since the summer of 2010. But Barack Obama refused to act for several months. He wanted absolute proof first that Osama was living there. It wasn’t until May of 2011 that he agreed to attack Bin Laden’s compound, almost a year later.



  1. lol, love how the right has fallen all over themselves trying to NOT give props for a success story under this president.

    Yes, how sad, the pres. wanted concrete intelligence before throwing our seal team into a hot zone. Unlike his predecessor who threw 100,000+ men and women into a hot zone before asking the hard questions.

  2. @10:45 Don't forget the part where he takes full advantage of this and acts as if he was in on the raid to kill Bin Laden. He was the furthest out of harms way of anyone in the world probably that day the SEALS launched the attack. Now Obama is running his campain on coolness and the fact "he killed Osama." PLease he is just like the rest of them dogging it and taking the spotlight any chance he can get IE- Trayvon Martin as well. Get over it he has done nothing but set this country back another 10-20 years.

  3. this is too funny. wasn't that long ago i was reading of how the president should be impeached for his move to take out bin laden , now he didn't act fast enough.

  4. 11:03 Obama does not act like he personally killed bin Laden. He gives full credit to the SEALs. And the fact that he took the time to plan the operation is encouraging.
    Perhaps Obama should have done what Bush did - talk to Jesus and send thousands of sodiers to fight a meaningless war. Or maybe he should parade under a Mission Accomplished banner?

    You wingnuts are running out of ideas. First it was the obsession with contraception, now it's bin Laden. What's next? You're so pathetic that the best you can do is Mitt Romney - a man who has taken every position on every issue. Thanks for 4 more years teabaggers.

  5. lol @ 11:03
    "acts as if he was in on the raid to kill Bin Laden"

    You need to take a look at the Jon Stewart clips from the other night where he showed how foolish you guys sound trying to make that claim.

  6. How can you claim it's a meaningless war then in the next breath give Obama credit for catching and killing Bin Laden?
    At some point you will have to grow up and get a job. This "teabagger" is tired of paying your way.

  7. 12:06, because Iraq was a meaningless war and Obama was the Commander in Chief when bin Laden was killed.

    I do have a job and you're not paying for anything of mine.

  8. Obama playing politics.

  9. Just look at the "I's" in his speech... I was talking to this guy then I made a decision then I this and I that, here an I there an I everywhere an I I... Oh yeah and some SEALS then did what I told them and then I had a great bowel movement that I even had to clean up all by MYself.. It's disgusting how much of a self centered narcissist this guy can be and people love him for it...


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