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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Sheriff Arpaio: ‘I’ll Put up More Tents’ If Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Immigration Law

If the Supreme Court decides in favor of Arizona’s tough immigration bill, the Obama attorney arguing against SB 1070 predicted “mass incarceration” of Latinos.

But Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio told CNSNews.com that he does not see that as a problem in his jurisdiction.

“We lock up people all the time,” Arpaio said in a phone interview last week. “Since I started enforcement, we’ve arrested on the streets, investigated – in our jails over 51,000.



  1. As much as his supporters enjoy giving the sheriff a good ole nazi salute, I would be curious as to the effect jailing 51,000 people has had on the criminal element. I would say "statistics, but since HE (and his cronies) is the one making the statstics (or making them UP, perhaps), I'm sure the "crime rate" has gone down. When you have a horse in the race, your viewpoint and agenda get involved --- just ask the commanders who wouldn't tell us about assaults on our troops by the Afghan police and Army unless it actually KILLED an American. Made the whole situation seem under control over there. Maybe here, too.

  2. Joe Arpaio for Mayor of Salisbury!!!

  3. Imclain

    He is doing what no one else will, trying to fix the problem of illegal immigration. I bet if you are an illegal now you know to stay away from Arizona huh? Maybe it is what we need. Obama is fine with them running across the border like its a finishline to a race. Obama and his "cronies" want to get in the middle of it because he is investigating him. Talk about having a horse in the race...

  4. 10:45...are you saying that he only arrests illegal immigrants and he's got 51,000 of them? I've been following news reports about this guy for years. And from the reports, illegals are STILL streaming across Arizona. Despite his efforts.

  5. Make the inmates in Westover sleep in tents and use the buildings to raise chickens as they were built for.

    Save Millions in tax dollars that I work darn hard for.

    If the inmate leaves the tent use a firearm on him.


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