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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Great Message


  1. Amen, Brother Jacob. And thank you for your service.

    Craig Theobald

  2. maybe this guy should run for president hell he would have my vote

  3. This post does not need a comment because the post say's it all!
    Love it!

  4. It says it all! Amen

  5. Amen, Col. Jacobi!!!!!!! Very well said and God Bless You and ALL of our service men and women!!!!!!!!! Make sure this is at all the voters polling places in November!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Do you think the country will ever return to a time where we respect the office of President of the United States? After Nixon and Clinton, it's been all downhill. The idea that Col. Jacobi would not address the letter to "President Obama" and that he would state that the President doesn't "belong" in ANC on Memorial Day...something about our country is very, very broken.

    You can try to blame the men and their administrations...but all we really have to blame is ourselves.

  7. we get what we deserve. if we don't remain vigilant and involved we will suffer the consequences

  8. I don't blame myself. Respect is earned. Obama has done nothing to gain my respect. He belongs on the comedy channel not in the White House. He certainly is good for a laugh!

  9. So soldiers buried in Arlington are somehow superior to those buried in Illinois?

  10. Obamma went to Chicago because thats where his Black Panther Soliders are.He raised his clinched hand.

  11. HEY YO: OBAMA GOT TO GOMay 2, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    I hope by now you left wing Commies understand Obama is trying to shut down the USA by using his position as President.


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