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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Sharpton Assures Radio Caller That Cheney's Heart Did Not Come From Trayvon Martin

Al Sharpton benefits more than most radio hosts by having listeners call his show. It lets Sharpton come across as sane by comparison.

The other day, for example, Sharpton wasted little time dismissing the latest bizarre conspiracy theory making the rounds.
SHERRY IN SOUTH CAROLINA: I never got a clear understanding of Trayvon's heart. Was it actually given to Dick Cheney or was it not?

SHARPTON: No, I don't know anything, I don't think they gave Trayvon's heart to Dick Cheney, no.

SHERRY IN SOUTH CAROLINA: Did they give it to anyone?

SHARPTON: As far as I know his heart was not donated to anyone, I have not heard that from the family at all. But I know Dick Cheney didn't get it.


  1. Really? The "theory" is that Trayvon was killed in order to provide a heart for Dick Cheney? How bizarre.

  2. Instead of the KKK now it is the BBB=Bewildered boys who are blackMay 4, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    Sharpton needs to be charged criminally for inciting hatred against whites.

  3. We'll know for sure if Vice President Cheney begins his next interview with "yo, yo, yo!" sup?
    Then suffers a heart attack after a crack overdose.


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