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Thursday, May 03, 2012

The 86 Million Invisible Unemployed

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- There are far more jobless people in the United States than you might think.

While it's true that the unemployment rate is falling, that doesn't include the millions of nonworking adults who aren't even looking for a job anymore. And hiring isn't strong enough to keep up with population growth.



  1. Unemployment extensions (Federal)ended in April 2012 in Maryland so there are thousands getting cut off this month.

  2. When the peasants and serfs don't eat, they get unhappy very quickly. And if you think its just the homeless bums and slackers who aren't eating, then you are sadly mistaken. Regular, even working, families, with TWO wage earners, are struggling with gas prices, food prices and energy prices. Wages are stagnant. Trouble brews.

  3. The real unemployment numbers are far higher than what the media is reporting. As someone who works for the State, I can tell you that when the unemployment benefits run out, the State stops counting you as unemployed. There is also Age discrimination going on out there as well that the government won't or refuses to address!!!!!
    Instead of trying to entice businesses to come here, they are forcing them out by charging higher taxes, regulations and fees!


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