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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ron Paul Ends His Hunt for Votes

Rep. Ron Paul said Monday he will not compete in Republican primaries in any of the states that have not yet voted — essentially ending the 2012 primary season and leaving the path open for Mitt Romney to win the GOP presidential nomination.

Mr. Paul said he will still try to win over delegates in states where the voting is done but where state conventions are still picking representatives to the Republican nominating convention in Tampa, Fla., in August. But the Texas congressman and three-time presidential hopeful said he’s done actively trying to win over voters themselves in the 11 primaries still ahead.

“Moving forward, however, we will no longer spend resources campaigning in primaries in states that have not yet voted,” Mr. Paul said in a statement from his campaign. “Doing so with any hope of success would take many tens of millions of dollars we simply do not have.”



  1. Some candidates would borrow the money to proceed, The very fact that his campaign lives within it's means speaks volumes of his core beliefs. Woe be to us when we fail to elect him as POTUS. Most of the U.S is tired of those who pull a party line at the detriment of "We The People". But the money and power of these two political parties have made damned sure that there are no other choices. They own the MSM and are attempting to own the internet. Individual liberties are supposed to be paramount. Have we really evolved into a society that places a higher value on money than freedom? I believe that a significant number of people are about to rise up against the socialistic establishment. Win or lose - we will be all in.

  2. Maybe now his supporters can stop pretending to be republicans.

  3. About time. When one "surges" from 6% in one primary to 8% in the next it's way past time to stop distracting the process. Shame he didn't have enough respect for Americans to do this four months ago.

  4. 9:57 Paul has much more respect for americans than they have for themselves. Americans (too many of them) don't have the self respect to cherish freedom over a handout.


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