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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

GOP Kills Civil Unions in Colorado Special Session

A last-ditch effort by Colorado's governor to give gay couples in the state rights similar to married couples failed Monday after Republicans rejected the proposal during a special legislative session.

Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper had said the special session was needed to address a "fundamental question of fairness and civil rights."

The bill's demise was expected by Democrats, who have begun using the issue as a rallying cry to topple Republicans in the November elections. Republicans assigned the bill to the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, which voted 5-4 along party lines to kill the measure.



  1. When gay marriage comes up Republicans give a lot of lip service to being all for civil unions. That is what we heard here in Maryland. But that is a lie they would vote against that too.Their real desire is to keep some Americans second class citizens.

  2. Gay has nothing to do with race, religion, or political preference. It is nothing more than a sexual orientation that is in opposition to nature. If 2 individuals want to own a car together, they have the right to do that. You can't change nature however whether you think you have the right to or not. You are just making believe.

  3. @ 8:19 As well they should be if they want to engage in deviant immoral behavior. Wrong can not be turned to right no matter what you do.
    Marriage is about family and procreation. With honor and dignity.

    Nothing honorable and dignified about 2 men attempting to procreate...

  4. Its not about fairness it is about making homosexuality acceptable and validating that type of lifestyle. Is anyone else sick of hearing about gays? There isnothing stopping gay couples from living together and sharing their property and assets just like married heterosexuals.

  5. We allow the sterile and elderly to marry so procreation is no argument here.

  6. Gay marriage does not exist marriage is between a man and a woman. Gays should come up with their own type of union and leave marriage a lone.

  7. Gay marriage does not exist marriage is between a man and a woman. Gays should come up with their own type of union and leave marriage a lone.

    Makes about as much sense as saying Catholic is the only true church and all other religious groups should call themselves something else.


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