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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Recent News Could Cause Panic For Obama Campaign

Is it panic time at Obama headquarters in Chicago? You might get that impression from watching events — and the polls — over the past few weeks.

In matchups against Mitt Romney, the president is leading by only 47 to 45 percent in the realclearpolitics.com average of recent polls. A CBS/New York Times panelback poll, in which interviewers call back respondents to a previous survey, showed Romney leading 46 to 43 percent — and leading among women.

That’s despite the Democrats’ charge that Republicans are waging a “war on women” by opposing requirements that all health insurance policies provide free contraceptives. Evidently that’s not the only issue on the minds of American women.

Or consider the clumsiness of Obama’s announcement a week ago that after “evolving” he is now in favor of same-sex marriage.



  1. What goes around comes around this Chicago Gangster will get what he deserves Obama is a liar and a thief,but what the hell all politicians are

  2. Agreed, but this on is a particularly pestilent closet communist bent on destroying the very fabric of America with his assumption of Dictator Du Jour.
    A thug in a suit.

    Nobama 2012
    That is what I stand for.

  3. Nah! That suit is empty!

  4. I really don't know who they are polling, but as I go to work every dal and talk to other workers and business owners, ALL of them are 100% in disapproval mode with Obama. I've yet to find a friend of his anywhere. Maybe I'm just hanging with the wrong crowd? I think not...

  5. Anon 6:02am

    You are....


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