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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Energy in America: Ethanol Concerns Bring Customers to More Costly 'Pure' Gas Stations

When looking to fill up your tank, would you drive farther to pay more? Randy Hake's customers are doing just that, since he's the only gas station in York County, Pa., selling "pure" ethanol-free fuel.

"I get 20.1 miles to the gallon, in-town driving. I used to get 13," said Sue Cannon who drives 20 miles to Hake's from her home in Hanover, Pa.

Studies show straight gasoline gets 2 to 10 percent better gas mileage than fuel made with ethanol, an alcohol produced from corn. It costs about 20 cents more per gallon at the pump, but Cannon says paying more up front is worth it down the road. She started using "pure gas" five weeks ago, after paying $12,000 for repairs on her 2005 Nissan Pathfinder.


  1. The same thing happened in the mid 1970s with gasahol. If you own any classic or historic vehicles you will need to use an additive or you will destroy your fuel systems.

  2. There are 60 mpg engines available, but not in thE U.S. WHY NOT??? Gasahol is not an option.

  3. Why would you pay $12k in repairs for a 7 year old.vehicle that's not worth that much?

  4. "gasoline gets 2 to 10 percent better gas mileage than fuel made with ethanol,"
    Of course, it does. Something we all know. Plus the cost of ethanol is high. You don't save anything if mileage is lower. Plus the water in gasohol isn't good for the motors an anything...boats, mowers, tractors, cars, trucks anything with a motor.


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