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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poll Shows Romney With Commanding Lead Over Obama Among Veterans

Mitt Romney has a commanding lead over President Obama among U.S. military veterans, according to a new poll released on Memorial Day.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee led the incumbent president 58-34 percent among U.S. veterans polled by Gallup over the past two months. The polling firm noted in its latest report that veterans, which make up 13 percent of the adult population, are mostly older men -- who have tended to support Romney in this race.

Both Obama and Romney were paying tribute Monday to America's veterans, with Obama attending ceremonies in Washington and Romney speaking at a veterans event in San Diego. The candidates are closely eyeing the veteran vote, with swing states like Florida and Virginia all veteran strongholds.


  1. I'm a Veteran and I did not, and will not vote for Barry Sotero (NObama).

  2. Same poll the last time said the same thing about McCain.

    Makes you wonder how important the polls really are.

  3. Smart vets will vote for Romney.

  4. See ya "lazy class"May 30, 2012 at 9:57 AM

    SEE YA OBAMA and take your voters back to Kenya with ya!

  5. "SMART" vets will vote for Romney, hell, i think the DUMB ones will too, but I'll bet my life savings that all the "DEAD" ones'll vote for obama

  6. Now if the Electoral College will butt out this election might bode well for Romney.It sure did'nt for Gore.

  7. Anon: 11:38am

    So are we to ignore the Constitution now?


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