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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Obama's 'Stronger, Safer and More Respected' Delusion

On May 23, President Barack Obama told more than 1,000 jubilant, uniform-prepped-and-polished graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy that the world has a "new feeling about America." He declared: "I see it everywhere I go, from London and Prague to Tokyo and Seoul to Rio and Jakarta. There's a new confidence in our leadership." If only it were true.

Obama boasted, "We can say with confidence and pride: The United States is stronger, safer and more respected in the world."

"Stronger, safer and more respected"?

"Stronger," as in Obama's plan to initiate more than $500 billion in automatic cuts to the defense budget over a decade, starting next January. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the Democratic-controlled Senate voted
May 24 to authorize another reduced spending package for the Pentagon.

"Safer," as in the report card from the Bipartisan Policy Center, including many of the original 9/11 Commission members, which reported on national preparedness 10 years after those catastrophic terrorist attacks: "Our country is undoubtedly safer and more secure than it was a decade ago," but "we fail to achieve the security we could or should have." The report concluded that the federal government has failed to meet nine of the 9/11 Commission's 41 recommendations.



  1. If it smells like bs, it is bs.

  2. Anyone serving in our military knows this guy is a liar. They will not support him. The Oath of serving in the military is "I will protect the Constitution of the United States of America, from both foreign and domestic enemies".

  3. Anon: 9:25pm

    You guys are amazing. To frame you hatred of the current President you will even lie about the oath. You forget the part that says:

    "...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me..."

    The real military knows what the oath says and means. The least you could do is stop making things up.

  4. At this point it's clear that Obama could walk on water and be crowned by Jesus Christ himself and the GOP'ers would still be screaming about "evil socialist Obama". lol

  5. sort of like the Blame Bush mantra we are still hearing after more than 3 years. tsk tsk.

    As for the constitution Obama pledged to obey it as well and yet has violated it at every turn.

    Our military has a right to protect us from evil leaders as well. And it just might ultimately come to that.

  6. 832, seems to me like it's you guys that want to pass want to pass the buck. That "lower taxes and the wealth will just trickle down" mantra didn't work out so well huh? Now all of a sudden the disaster that occurred following 8 yrs. of GOP suddenly had nothing to do with GOP decisions. ha ha

  7. Anon: 8:32 Am

    Where has he violated the Constitution? It is a simple question and you should readily have an answer right?

    So what is the answer? Convince me.

  8. if only all of the places that he went to and spoke of were in the USA maybe that might be something to talk about. the only reason obama could ever get any support from any other world nations is that they see him for what he is, someone who will lower the USA's standing in the world, thereby raising their own. this man is an abject failure in everything he attempts, but then, that is the path of socialism

  9. 6:52 - you'll note that in the oath of enlistment upholding the constitution comes BEFORE obeying the president. that was NOT written out of order and it was not written in that order by mistake.

  10. Anon: 10:23 AM

    Your logic escapes me. The order is unimportant. The entire oath is.

    You cannot cherry pick to suit your needs.

  11. 1:31 order is everything! first they uphold the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic; after that comes the obeying the president part. if what the president commands contradicts the constitution that's when the problems start. just as they would if following the orders of those "officers appointed over me" contradicted the commands of the president. order is everything and the constitution comes first!

    anon 6:52 stated "You guys are amazing. To frame you hatred of the current President you will even lie about the oath. You forget the part that says:

    "...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me..."

    The real military knows what the oath says and means. The least you could do is stop making things up."

    as most liberals do , 6:52 ignored the constitution part. my "logic" is that the constitution comes first. so many serving in our military know and understand this and also know and understand that our president does his best to side-step the constitution every chance he gets.

  12. Anon: 3:21pm

    The oath is one thing it is not a document where you can just pick what you want. In fact the Constitution and obeying of the President are in the same exact sentence. It's not a list.

    Therefore the order is unimportant.

    For crying out loud this information is readily out there. Please for your sake seek it out and learn something.

    Now I asked again, how has the President side-stepped the Constitution? No one seems to be able to answer this question and the answer should be very easy.

    Even better how do you know what our military men and women are supposedly thinking?


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