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Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 5-20-12

Ireton Is Running Scared

Hi Joe

Your election bid for Salisbury's next Mayor appears to have 'disturbed the roost'. Ireton is seeking political cover by actually trying to do something for a change. I do not believe that he would proposed anything if it wasn't for your decision to run for Mayor - and challenged him to the task.


Speaking for myself - I would much rather prefer to have a family oriented, straight laced, monogamous oriented, fun loving, successful free enterpriser candidate for Salisbury's next Mayor. Therefore - I will be encouraging others to vote for Joe Albero for Mayor.

Good Luck and God Bless.

Johnnie Miller - LIFETIME Salisbury resident


  1. DT has a front page article about Ireton saying there is plenty of downtown parking,no problems there.What he dont get is you have to pay for it!

  2. Now people can actually see the distinctive differences in reporting styles between The Daily Times and SBYnews. Today's DT article is no exception.

    The Daily Times has maintained a liberal slant for so long that they have forgotton about their readers may have developed their own independent minds.

    I'll stick to SBYnews any day of the week. The Daily Times news projections are way off target in my honest opinion.

  3. To 9:55

    And Salisbury citizens pay for it not once, not twice, but thrice - (meter fee, citation, metering personel).

    When all is said and done - it would be cheaper for the City to eliminate the parking meters altogether.

  4. Yep - the DT, once again, Pimps for Ireton. The Daily Times has become such a pathetic piece that I do not patronize them anymore. I dropped the subscription a long time ago.

  5. The problem with the local governments is that they are forgetting about the elderly who have lived and worked here for many years. Who is looking out for them? Someone should be looking into senior housing with assisted living options.

  6. You'll get three votes from this household.. Iretons proposal is more of the same from Barrie Tilghman. He has no original thought because he's a teacher and a politician and not a businessman. I am proudly driving around town with a Albero for Mayor bumper sticker.

  7. No one should have to worry about putting quarters in a parking meter when conducting government business downtown. If you have to attend a meeting and it runs long then you end up with a parking ticket that you have to pay for besides the limit of coins the parking meter will hold. Not everyone can walk from the parking garage or parking lot next to the library. So convenient parking is missing downtown. I simply don't go there anymore.

  8. Sure there is plenty of parking down town. That's cause nobody's there.

  9. I have a problem with Ireton's proposal as it is not original.

    In downtown Baltimore they tried the same thing and within a few years the rowhouses fell into a state disrepair and then they were abandoned. Even auctioning them off did not help as the real estate taxes were so high that they still became a liability. So I has to ax myself the question - who would I rather have for Salisbury Mayor - Ireton or Albero - I'll be voting for Albero.

  10. Its ironic that the Mayor put his /Barrie Tilghmans and the Dream Teams plan proposal forward now since Mayor Albero has made specific changes he has proposed for the same area. Still no mention of garbage pick up for the current tentants,handicap parking and security for the Plaza.Just a lotta HOT AIR like the Team and Tilghman blew at the time.Dont for get the Dude that used to park his state vehicle in Parsons Cementry. Joe Abero for MAYOR

  11. "There's not a single politician, not a single blog that can argue with this," Ireton said. "(They say) there's a parking problem downtown. No, there's not."

    I think he is attacking you Joe Albero!!

  12. The Daily Times mouths the line of the Chamber of Commerced and Greater Salisbury Committee on "downtown revitalization", which is a completely lost cause, and everything else.

    Welcome to Smallsbury!

  13. Barry Tilghman has more tetesterone than Jimmy, she is probably is puppet master, and guess where she sticks her hands to make his mouth move?

  14. The funny thing is-I don't recall any blog ever saying that parking was a problem downtown. Who is the "they" he claims is saying that?
    It's the parking METERS!
    Goes to show you right there that Ireton doesn't even know what is going on. If he can't keep the simplest of things correct he is way out of his league as mayor.

  15. I agree with 12:27

    Ireton never put forth a plan until Joe unveiled his decision to run for Mayor.

    Today's article is Ireton's way of attacking Joe. But on the bright side - the DT's endorsement of Ireton may be a death blow to Ireton's campaign. The Daily Times has made a lot of enemies.

  16. "There's not a single politician, not a single blog that can argue with this," Ireton said. "(They say) there's a parking problem downtown. No, there's not."

    First thing Ireton's ever been right about. "NO, there's not" a parking problem downtown. Yeah no kidding everyone has already known that.
    And why isn't there a problem.....because people don't like to pay to park.

  17. Ireton was making noise about his proposal back in Feb., so these delusions of grandeur are not a response to Joe.

    The Daily Times article today, however, definitely is a response to Joe. Love it! Responding to a blogger is front page Sunday news for the big bad mayor and his propaganda rag.

    What a joke Ireton and the DT are.

  18. SO the real question is once Joe is elected, how will the Daily Times fit into that equation? His dislike for their liberal agenda is obvious and I think it would be hard to reconcile.


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