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Friday, May 18, 2012

Census: Minorities Now Surpass Whites in U.S. Births

For the first time, racial and ethnic minorities make up more than half the children born in the U.S., capping decades of heady immigration growth that is now slowing.

New 2011 census estimates highlight sweeping changes in the nation’s racial makeup and the prolonged impact of a weak economy, which is now resulting in fewer Hispanics entering the U.S.

“This is an important landmark,” said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau who is now a sociologist at Howard University. “This generation is growing up much more accustomed to diversity than its elders.”



  1. The minorities become the majority..........

  2. Thank god for affirmative action.

  3. Does that mean we now get free stuff?!

  4. Yes, 11:33, now it's our turn to get the free stuff. Tax the crap out of them and gimme my card!

  5. "Do unto others...." might of more meaning to some now.

  6. Yea I have been waiting all my life for that independence card , working hard for a living sucks cant wait my free stuff well worth waiting for, I get to sponge off society like so much other scum, being scum really pays off yepee

  7. Where's my free ride?

  8. Oh, I see the rascist are out.


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