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Friday, May 18, 2012

Autopsy: Evidence of Marijuana in Martin’s Blood

Medical examiners found evidence of marijuana in Trayvon Martin’s system after he was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer, an autopsy report released Thursday shows.

The report was included in a large amount of evidence released by prosecutors that includes many new details about the case. The autopsy says the examiners found THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, when they tested Martin’s blood and urine.

Also in the package is a photo of suspect George Zimmerman with a bloody nose taken the night of the fight. A paramedic report says Zimmerman had a 1-inch laceration on his head and forehead abrasion.



  1. this detail is totally irrelevant

  2. No it is not 9:17. Marijuana effects perception. It could show that Martin's perception of the situation wasn't what it actually was causing him to overreact.
    It's VERY relevant.

  3. ha ha, yeah, Martin over reacted to a stranger in a strange vehicle following him at dusk who jumped out on him. Sure.

    BTW,I know it's been awhile for me, but I remember that the last thing I wanted was to lose my high by getting in a scuffle. lol

  4. 2nd hand smoke from Zim

  5. good point 9:26

  6. 9:17
    Would it be "irrelevant" if it was Zimmerman that had smoked up?

  7. Lol @ 9:26 it does not affect the fact that he knew exactly what was going on....have you ever done it because it doesnt sound as if you have? It could have been in his system from as much as a month to two months ago....and it should have no outcome on the situation at all. IT IS PRESCRIBED TO HELP PEOPLE.

  8. Anon 9:26 am.

    It is irrelevant. While it could do all those things said, ther is no way of telling as there are only two witnesses and one of them is dead. Therefore,it can't show anything other than he had it is his system.

    The fact that he had Marijuana in his system would typically be assumed anyway as he was suspended from school because of it.

  9. Exactly correct 9:26.....some people can't handle the true FACTS of the case.

  10. It effects perception about as much as smoking a cigarette....he knew exactly what he was doing. Just because it was in his system doesn't mean he was actually high it could have been there for over a month.

  11. Absolutely totally irrelevant only someone who has no clue what this does to you would say it is relevant.

  12. It is just one more small block in the "poor innocent teenager story." Along with the block that said his, (Trayvon's), injuries were the gunshot wound and busted knuckles. Zimmerman's were a broken nose, lacerations to the back of the head, grass stains on the back of the jacket. It just plays one small line in the story that no one wants to hear. That Trayvon may have attacked Zimmerman and that he was justified "under Florida law" to "stand his ground". I know, I know, Zimmerman was told to not follow Trayvon, but if it was YOUR neighborhood and it had been robbed several times lately by young black males, and you saw one walking through there one night--would you just, "no, don't follow him, we'll be there in what, fifteen minutes", have listened. Just because Zimmerman followed him doesn't give Trayvon the right to beat him in the ground. I don't know what happened as I was up here in Delaware at the time but there sure seems to be conflicting information about Mr. Trayvon that has come out since this all began when he was just a "poor black teenager coming home with some Skittles", to now he was six feet tall, two hundred pounds, had been suspended from school for having a B&E kit, smoked marijuana, had no defense wounds, etc.... Other than that, yes, it is absolutely irrelevant.

  13. I think there are going to be a lot of people in this country that are going to "set fire to their own houses" when Zimmerman is acquitted on all counts.

  14. The relevance is that pot is still illegal in this country and it shows who the real law breaker was.

  15. wait a minute: I thought this kid was a choir boy, pure as the wind driven snow...Now we found out that he has taken drugs or how about that he had been thrown out of two schools for gang activity. The media has manipulated how we felt about this case from the beginning, starting with showing a 3 year old picture of trayvon and a mug shot of Zimmerman. Their racist narrative is falling apart. This kid jumped zimmerman and started beating him. He was shot in self defense. He is responsible for his reaction regardless of whether he knew the person in the car. He could have asked Zimmerman "why are you following me?" but no, his way of conflict resolution is to beat somebody up. This kid had a history of bad behavior and his parents,attorneys, and the media should admit it.

  16. 11:43 so please share with us what your response would be if you had a stranger following you in a car at night who is staring you down and who jumps out of the car on you? I guess TM has no right to stand his ground huh? Judging by the evidence, it sounds like TM tagged Zimm. in the face when Zimm. jumped out on him which accounts for the nose. The grass stains and lacerations (which we minor) easily come from getting knocked down.

  17. Not defending Martin because I believe he was a punk, but these findings mean nothing.The active ingredient in marijuana can be detected up to 30 days or more in the body after use.

  18. @12:41 what if Zimmerman sped to find out where Trayvon went? Does that make him a "law breaker" too? People are too funny these days. He could have smoked up to 30-60 days previous to the incident and it would still show up. We all have skeletons in our closet I am sure you do as well....

  19. I didn't know Skittles had pot in them. Wouldn't that make them illegal and the person carrying/ eating them a criminal?

  20. Why is it that folks think that TM would have been nervous that someone was following him? If he's walking through a GATED community where he does not live, and has had a rash of burglaries, wouldn't it be expected that someone might follow a non-resident when seen?

  21. LOL @ 10:15 and all others who think they know what they are talking about. Marijuana is only detectable in blood tests for a few hours-up to 24 hrs and that's for chronic smokers. Blood testing is given post accident as well as urine.
    Also LOL at those who do not know besides the feelings of euphoria, relaxation and other sense of well being, an estimated 30% of smokers experience parainoid feeling and unpleasant thoughts. Some act out.
    Murder has been committed while 'under the influence of marijuana'-FYI because someone has perceived something that wasn't. Don't be so naive as to think it doesn't happen.

    1. You obviously do not understand the naturally occurring medicine better known as marijuana. Keep eating everything they spoon feed you. Sure it's illegal, so was alcohol, which causes more murders in Salisbury in the last ten years then marijuana has for 100+. It was illegal for a woman to vote too. You have no idea how many ultra successful people you encounter in your everyday life that partake in the ole mary jane. And you would never know! That's the beauty of this seed bearing herb you're so afraid of. Bet you believe reefer madness too, lol
      I swear I love this blog, y'all keep my belly hurting, too funny

    2. Who were those marijuana murders?

      Frito Lay and Sara Lee

  22. 1:01 says-"I guess TM has no right to stand his ground huh"

    Yes, TM has that right.
    Now in light of the broken skin on TM knuckles, Zimmerman's broken nose, black eyes and laceration on the back of his head doesn't Zimmerman then also have that same right?

  23. Irrlevant? How many events would be different if a person was not under the influence of a drug or alchol> Cause and effect

  24. 5:46
    seems you dont know what you are taking about might not show in urine but will show in blood

  25. Anon 6:04pm

    Zimmerman has the same right if he didn't start the fight.

    Truth is no matter how this turns out we may never ever know.

    For example suppose Zimmerman placed his hands on Martin and Martin in turn beat the holy heck out of Zimmerman. No one saw it so we will never know. So it's Zimmerman who can claim self defense when in fact he could just be a very poor fighter.

  26. LOL-you all are the ones who think the European liberal drug policies worked so wonderful because you read it. Those countries are now rethinking those policies because they have literally taken the countries broke with the addiction problems and the crime and YES the still illegal trade that is rampant more now than ever.

    The latest 'marijuana' murder that comes to mind is 2 pre teens boys who in their state of paranoia tossed a younger sibling out a 5 story window.
    Even the PRO marijuana sites give tips on how to control and respond to those on who the effect is violent.
    Alcohol as does any mind altering substance can and will and does cause many different types of effects.
    I'm not spoon fed anything as I read from both anti and pro sites. Seems you are the one who shoots from the hip, 10;05.
    I'm not afraid of marijuana. I'm just not so naive as to believe that it is completely harmless-because it isn't.


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