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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When You're Holding A Hammer

Tennessee Football Coach fired for making Obama song He'll make more money when this song becomes a big hit than he would teaching school.

Tennessee middle school assistant football coach, age 26, fired for a song he wrote and played!

This could be the next number one hit country song. It's the best effort yet at encapsulating the outrage at the oversteps of this government in an entertaining song.

Apparently, the guy was fired over the song because some parents complained.


  1. And do we need "the rest of the story"?? Apparently, there is also a question of parents e-mail addresses and how they were obtained.

  2. Love it. Has froggy started playing it yet?

  3. hope Cat Country will put this one in their hourly playlist through election day in November!!

  4. what happened to HIS first amendment rights??????????

  5. First amendment rights only apply to liberals who are trying to destroy the constitution.


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